The Breakfast

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"C'mon c'mon c'mon, Y/N, hurry up, all the good pancakes'll be gone!!"

"Yan, for the love of God, let them breathe."

"Don't touch me, Bim!"

"I'm sorry, but that would be my line."

Y/N could hear Unus giggling at what Annus just said, and they rolled their eyes at the four egos' banter. They finished getting ready a minute later and opened the door.

Unus and Annus were now whispering "Fight, fight, fight!" and Bim and Yan were indeed halfway through a cat fight, when they froze as Y/N emerged from their room. They quickly backed away from each other, attempting to look innocent as Yan whistled and Bim put his hands behind his back.

Y/N gave a small smile, not unlike one seen on a parent's face three seconds before they scold their child. But instead of scolding the two, Y/N shook their head and gestured down the hallway, wordlessly telling them to lead the way.

They had wanted Yan and Bim to run ahead so they could ask Unus and Annus some questions, but instead Unus and Yan each grabbed one of Y/N's hands and ran down the hallway. They could barely hear Bim ask Annus, "How do you put up with all of that... excitement?"

Y/N didn't hear Annus' answer as they were dragged into the kitchen. They thought it smelled wonderful, as an array of breakfast food sat spread out in the kitchen island. That was a lot of food.

Eric was at the sink rinsing off a spatula. He looked over at Y/N and told them, "I-I didn't know... didn't know w-what you liked, Y-Y/N, so I... I made a b-bit of everyth-thing."

Y/N was in awe. Eric made all of that himself?! "Eric, it all looks amazing. Thank you!"

Eric turned red and was suddenly extremely interested in the spatula he was cleaning. The poor ego couldn't take a compliment. Y/N wondered what his backstory was, and if it caused this kind of behavior.

Y/N was told yesterday that each ego had some sort of backstory, whether fan-made or provided by Fischbach. Most of the more powerful egos, like Wilford and Host, had their stories made by their creator. The Ipliers also mentioned someone by the name of Dark.

They told Y/N that he was the most powerful out of them all. Dark was reclaimed by Fischbach after his fans started making him into a 'silly little goth boy' (according to King), and the entity even has his own little backstory series. Y/N had yet to meet this Dark, and they hoped they would get the chance to today. Though maybe not: from what the other egos said, Dark seemed pretty scary.

Y/N was brought back to the present as Yan moved past them in a mad dash for the pancakes. "Dibs on these!!"

Bim and Annus had caught up and were in the kitchen now. Bim frowned and said, "Yan, let Y/N pick out what they want first. We can't have our pretty guest going hungry~."

Yan stuck her tongue out at Bim but moved back. They were still grumbling something about "they're gonna take them all out of spite or something smh" when Y/N walked past them to grab a plate.

The rest of breakfast was rather uneventful, unless you count Unus and Yan's failed game of Bacon Jenga, or Annus drinking not-apple juice, Annus that's disgusting why would you—

They were distracted from almost throwing up by Bing walking in. He was still wet and covered in mud from last night, and they looked extremely tired. "Mornin', y'all."

All eyes in the kitchen turned to him, and suddenly everyone was laughing. The accent was just too funny.

"Aw, c'mon now, y'all, it ain't that funny!"

In reality it was, and it was a while before Unus calmed down enough to ask, "What's with the country accent, cowboy? And, God, why are you drenched in mud?"

Bing shot a glance at Y/N, who made eye contact immediately, before responding to Unus. "Just had a rough night in the shop, there really ain't nothing else to it."

Unus also shot a glance at Y/N before shrugging and returning to eating his food. He must have seen the look Bing gave them, but was kind enough not to ask about it.

Yan, on the other hand... "Ooooooh I saw that look you gave Y/N! What did you two do last night? Oh!" they gasped dramatically, "Is that why Y/N took so long to get ready, did you two go on a date or something?!"

Y/N put their face in their hands, willing it to not turn red. Bing was apparently too tired to even register what Yan just said, so he did what anyone would do in his situation: he nodded his head.

He nodded . Y/N was going to strap him down to his charging station and never let him off of it.

Bim looked scandalized. "Bing! That's our guest, you can't just go fucking every new person that comes through here!"

Annus whispered "Look who's talking" as Bing's face lit up orange, and Bim turned around and scowled at Annus. "That's different, OK? It's who I am."

Bim puffed his chest out as Y/N removed their hands from their face and said, "And who you are is a fucking cannibal."

Unus, Annus, and Yan laughed again as Bim said "Now listen, wait a minute—" and Y/N's world was drenched in lavender.

But before Bim's powers could really take effect, there was a voice from the living room.

"And what would be causing all of this... noise."

Yan exclaimed, "Hey, Darkie!" as Y/N turned around and saw the reflection.

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