The Clinic

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It didn't take too long to travel to Dr. Iplier's office, since it was just down the hall from where he and Host were talking. Well, 'office' was a bit of an understatement. Y/N was imagining something the size of a guest bedroom, but where Dr. Iplier worked was much, much bigger.

The doctor's office resembled more of a health clinic, with three hospital beds situated against the left wall. They were separated by curtains, and one of the beds seemed to be occupied as the curtains were drawn shut. There was also a surgery table a little ways from the beds, and a rolling cart with various surgical tools sat ready to be wheeled into use. The right side of the room was completely blocked off by a faux wall, and Y/N was curious as to what was on the other side.

Smack dab in the middle of the back wall was Dr. Iplier's actual office space. It wasn't anything fancy, just a wooden desk adorned with a laptop and several messy piles of papers. The doctor swept aside some of the papers and sat his coffee cup down.

He sighed and turned towards the closed curtains. "Bim, I swear to God, if you are behind there with the most minor of injuries again I will throw a scalpel at you."

The curtains were peeled back to reveal yet another person that looked exactly like Bing, along with his brothers. This one was sitting on the hospital bed, cross-legged, and wore a black and white business suit. They were also wearing a shit eating grin and nursing their hand, in a dramatic fashion that indicated they weren't actually hurt. Y/N could just barely make out the small paper cut on their index finger.

"Why, doc, this paper cut could be fatal! I only just managed to stop the bleeding, there seriously was a lot of blood—hey, woah, who's the hottie?"

This new person seemed to just spot Y/N and stopped their rambling abruptly. Y/N decided to take this chance to introduce themself, and hopefully distract Dr. Iplier from carrying through with his earlier statement.

Y/N bushed and replied, "I-I'm Y/N. It's nice to meet you...?"

The person on the bed got the message. They stood up and walked towards Y/N. "Yeah, I'm Bim. Bim Trimmer. Say, what's a cutie like you doing with these losers?"

Y/N saw spots of purple in their peripheral vision and had the sudden, almost irresistible urge to kiss Bim. Bim was now tilting Y/N's face upwards and they could feel their blush deepening. Luckily Dr. Iplier intervened before they did something to embarrass themselves.

He rolled his eyes and pulled Bim away from Y/N. "Bim, seriously, did you forget the rule about new people?"

"Yeah, yeah, no using our powers on newbies," Bim huffed. "But I just couldn't resist~."

They winked and Y/N felt their face involuntarily heat up again. But they started to process what Bim said. "Our powers"? Was Y/N in a different dimension or something? Did all of the siblings have these "powers" Bim was referring to?

The doctor seemed to read Y/N's mind ('And who knows, Y/N thought, maybe he actually can.') as he turned to them and seemed to struggle for a second with his words. He finally just sighed and said, "Look, there's honestly no easy way to explain this. I, uh, I think I should let Google do the talking."

But Google didn't say a word. He was still glaring daggers at both Dr. Iplier and Y/N, clearly still upset that they didn't get to complete their previous mission.

Dr. Iplier simply gave Google a look as he raised an eyebrow. "OK, Google."

Y/N did not think that the android's scowl could get any deeper but, alas, it did as he stood frozen in place, waiting for their orders.

"Who are we?"

Google's eyes turned from brown to a blinding blue as he answered the doctor's question. "Dr. Iplier, Bim Trimmer, Googleplier, and Bingiplier, as well as all 11 of their other 'relatives,' are the creations of Mark Edward Fischbach, better known as the Youtuber 'Markiplier.' Many of Fischbach's creations are the result of one-off skits or jokes within his Youtube fanbase. Fischbach 'plays' as all of his creations, and thus all of them share his likeness. Fischbach does not know of his creations' existences and the creations would prefer to keep it that way. None of them know how they came into being, but it is extremely clear that when Fischbach's fanbase shows enough admiration for one of his creations, they appear here."

Y/N was pleasantly surprised to find that the people in the room with them weren't human. Well, I mean, they kind of figured it was something like that when Bim mentioned them all having powers. But they were the products of one man's vast imagination, and that amazed Y/N.

Wait. Did Google say that there were 11 more of them?

"Dr. Iplier, first officially appearing in a video titled 'Surgeon Simulator 2013 | Part 1 | I'M A DOCTOR!!,' which released on April 19th, 2013, is not an actual doctor but has extensive and... admirable knowledge in the medical field. He possesses the ability to heal wounds at will."

Y/N raised their eyebrows at the fact that Dr. Iplier wasn't an actual doctor, but decided not to comment. Google did say that the 'doctor' knew a lot of medical information, and Y/N supposed that was close enough.

"Bim Trimmer, first officially appearing in a video titled 'Hire My Ass [feat. Markiplier, Danny Sexbang & Matthias],' which released December 10, 2014, is a game show host, specifically for the show 'Hire My Ass.' Bim is an incubus, and possesses the ability to make people fall in love with him."

Bim winked at Y/N again, and it dawned on them why they were so star-struck by him. Bim had used his ability on Y/N. They honestly didn't mind, but it was admittedly a bit freaky.

"Bingiplier, first officially appearing in a video titled 'Google Gets An Upgrade,' which released May 20th, 2017, is an android for the website Bing possesses the ability to be an insufferable piece of scrap metal, and the inability to complete the most basic of searches and tasks."

Y/N was stunned to hear Google berate Bing like that, but apparently the other two brothers thought nothing of it. Bing whispered, "Not cool, dude" and pouted as Google finished his explanation.

"Googleplier, first officially appearing in a video titled 'Google IRL,' which released October 31, 2014, is an android for the website Google possesses the ability to carry out his two main objectives using all of the technology given to them. His primary objective is to answer questions as quickly as possible. Their secondary objective is to destroy mankind."

That answered Y/N's question as to why Google tried to slaughter them. Who the heck programs a robot meant to help people to 'destroy mankind'?

Google seemed to relax slightly as his eyes went back to their normal brown. Bing was still pouting, and Dr. Iplier shook his head as he turned his attention back to Y/N. "I hope that wasn't too much to take in. ...Ah, who am I kidding, it was a lot to take in. Just don't faint or collapse or anything, I know I'm a doctor and all but I have more important things to attend to later besides an unconscious person and," he turned suddenly and frowned at Bim, who held his hands up defensively, "any other extremely minor injuries."

Y/N soaked in this new information for a second, then hesitantly asked, "You said... Google, you said new creations just happen to show up here suddenly, right?"

Google gave the faintest look of confusion and faced Y/N but said, "That is correct."


"What if... I'm a new creation?"

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