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When Jimin opened his eyes, he was laying on his back. He didn't remember falling asleep on his back, but he tended to toss and turn a lot.

Something felt off.

He felt cold. Cold and sick. Like he would throw up soon. He turned his head to look at V, but he wasn't there.

He was in a single bed.

The walls were white, and the wall across from him was glass. He looked up, and saw machines.

Was he in the hospital?!

He tried to sit up, but his body wouldn't move. He couldn't move anything but his head.

He was definately in a hospital. But why?!

He tried to say something- anything, but nothing came out. It was like his voice was dead. His back didn't hurt- which was weird.

This must be a weird dream or somethig. A weird nightmare.

'Wake up Jimin, wake up.' He thought to himself. 'This isn't real.' He told himself.

Through the glass, Jimin saw two nurses staring at him. They looked shocked, and suddenly ran off. Jimin sighed, looking around for a way to escape.

'Why the hell am I in a hospital?' He asked himself, trying to move his body.

"Mr. Park, you're awake."

Jimin turned his head, and saw a male doctor walking towards him. "How do you feel?" The doctor asked, and the same two nurses entered the room.

'What happened?' Jimin asked, but he realized he didn't actually ask. He couldn't talk. What the hell is going on?!

"Mr. Park, can you understand me?" The doctor asked with a slightly confused expression. Jimin's heart sped up out of fear. What was happening?

Jimin nodded, but he wanted to know why he couldn't talk.

"Okay, that's good...can you speak?" He asked. Jimin shook his head no.

"Okay. You must be confused on what's happening, so allow me to explain."

"A woman brought you into the ER about two months ago, and you had a severe case of hyperthermia. You also had a major concussion. The woman who brought you in here told us you had fallen into a frozen lake at the park. Because of how cold your body was and how damaged your brain was, your body shut down and you went into a coma. The date is July sixth." The doctor explained.

'What?' Jimin asked himself.

"During your absense, we realized Kim Taehyung was dependent on machines to stay alive. Unfortunately, the machines were not able to stabalize him, and he passed away last Tuesday." The doctor told him, and Jimin felt tears in his eyes.

"I'm very sorry..." The doctor said with a sad face, and Jimin closed his eyes.

'This isn't real, wake up Jimin!' He told himself, and he started crying. "When your son, Haneul was told Kim Taehyung had passed, he removed him from the machines and cut his wrists-" Jimin shook his head no frantically, tears flowing down his now red cheeks.

"Kim Haneul also passed last Wednesday from suicide." The doctor bit his bottom lip sadly, only able to watch as Jimin cried.

The nurses felt absolutely horrible.

'No, this isn't real- wake up from this dream Jimin, wake the hell up!' Jimin yelled to himself, trying to 'wake up'. "You are probably unable to talk due to your brain being at rest for a while...we've contacted a speech therapist for you, and they've agreed to help you." The doctor told him.

This isn't real.

It can't be.

Jimin refused to believe this was real. This was a nightmare, he'd wake up soon. In a few minutes he would wake up, relieved this was all a dream.

"We're going to do a physical exam, and then leave you to process the information." The doctor explained, pulling out a small light. He opened Jimin's eyes and slid the light back and forth, seeing Jimin's pupils respond to the fast light.

Jimin sobbed when the doctor let go, trying to curl up into himself; but he couldn't move. Still.

After a few minutes, Jimin didn't 'wake up'. His body was still shocked from the coma, said the doctor, so he would either gain feeling back in a few hours, or he'd have to re-learn how to move.

'This can't be happening, I just had sex with Taehyung the other day.'

Jimin was now left alone in a heavy silence, that was immediately broken by his cries. All he could do was lay on his back and cry.

'It's not real, please don't be real.'

Jimin screamed in agony.

'Why can't I talk?!'

Twenty Minutes Later

"Mr. Park, we have some ground-breaking news."

Jimin glared at the doctor, his expression relaxed with defeat.

This was real.

"While we were obserbing your old brain scans, the scans revealed you were having dreams in your coma." The doctor told him, placing a big piece of dark paper onto a block of light and turning the light on.

Jimin's brain showed up.

"In your coma, your temporal lobe, was active. Deep in the temporal lobe is the hippocampus, which allows us to remember, imagine, and dream. In coma's, the brain is completely dead or unresponsive; shut down. In your coma, your temporal lobe was active." The doctor explained, pointing to Jimin's temporal lobe on his brain scan. The rest of his brain was black on the scan, while there were small sections of white in his temporal lobe.

"This has never happened before, Mr. Park." The doctor added, looking back to Jimin; who looked completely emotionally drained and numb.

"I know this isn't the best time to ask, but we would very much like to do research on you to figure out why your temporal lobe was active during your coma." The doctor stated, and Jimin shook his head.

"What happened to Haneul?"

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