We Lost Him Already?!

Start from the beginning

"Tommy? Oh, I've finished his robes ten minutes ago."

"You what now?"


"I can't believe we lost him already," WIlbur said as he and Techno frantically went around Diagon Alley looking for a familiar shade of blond hair.

"This is 'cause you were talking to Dream," Techno said.

"Me?" Wilbur yelled. "Don't act like you weren't!"

"Alright, this is Dream's fault."


The two of them stopped in front of Olivander's wand shop. "Excuse me," Wilbur called the shop keeper. "Has a blond boy, this tall—" Wilbur brought his hand near his stomach—"blue eyes, come here in the past fifteen minutes?"

"Ahh, yes, such a good kid," the man said. "Managed to get himself a Cedar wand with a Phoenix Feather Core."

"Ha! I told you he'd get a Phoenix feather core," Techno said.

Wilbur grumbled handing Techno a few Sickles. "This would have been a more fun of a bet if the subject of it wasn't missing," he sighed. 

"Do you know where he went?" Techno asked. 

"Not exactly, but he did go to the direction of Flourish and Blotts," the man said. 

"Thanks!"The two practically ran out of the shop in hopes that they will catch Tommy before he could wander off somewhere else. 

They arrived there, and saw that the place was packed. If Tommy was ever in the herd of people, it was going to be hard to find him. "I'll look for him upstairs," Wilbur said before going up.

"Tommy," he called as he went through the different aisles of bookshelves. There was no response. "Tommy?" 

This was getting worrying. Wilbur doesn't like how this trip was going. Sure, he and Techno were making fun of the situation at first. But now, it's been nearly half an hour since they've seen Tommy. For all they know, he could have been kidnapped or some shit. After getting no leads Wilbur went back down.

Techno asked the person by the counter if they'd seen Tommy. They said that there were so many people that they couldn't be too sure. That was bad. Techno ha no clue how he and Wilbur didn't notice Tommy slip away. That kid was a giant for his age. His nerves were somewhat getting to him now. He and Wilbur promised Phil that Tommy would be fine in their care. That was a big arse lie then. 

"They said they don't know," Techno told Wilbur. 

"Fuck," the younger one cursed. "Where could he have gone?"

"What else are on the requirements list?" Techno asked. "I'm guessing he went off to buy his supplies on his own, so surely he would be basing where to go on that list."

Wilbur was silent as he thought about it. "There's a cauldron in that list," he said.

With that tiny bit of information, they headed off to the cauldron shop. "Excuse me, have you seen a blond boy with blue eyes, about this tall, buy a cauldron from here in the last 45 minutes."

"That's quite a specific time description," the old woman said and thought about it. "I can't be sure, my memory cannot be trusted"

"Oh, well, thank you anyways." The twins left the shop.

Techno let out a grunt, "Where the fuck did that kid go?" 

Wilbur let out a heavy sigh. Techno rarely swore. This was bad. "Do you think we should report this?" he asked.

"Let's go to the potions shop," Techno said. "If we don;t get any leads there, we'll tell Phil."

Wilbur followed the pink haired boy inside the potions shop that was across the cauldron store. When they entered they saw a gruff man cleaning a section of the store. "Excuse me, " Wilbur said. 

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