The Best Friendships Form During Train Rides p.1

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"George! Are you coming?"

"It's cool," Tommy said. "I'm a big man, I can find that shop easily."

"Well, alright then." The older boy waved at him as he left.

Tommy did as the boy said and soon enough he found himself standing in front of said want shop. "Welcome! I've been waiting," a man said.

"Are you Olivander?" Tommy asked.

"Not exactly," the man chuckled. "I'm his 291st great granddaughter's nephew's second cousin on his mother's side," he said.

Tommy stared at the man, "You lost me," he said. "So, can I get a wand?"

"Of course, come along," the man said leading him to a shelf full of boxes.

"Try this one, 11 inches, Hazel with Unicorn Hair core, very swish-y." He presented the wand to Tommy.

Tommy gave it a swish and it set of a white spark that went around the shop. The door opened and the spark nearly hit the person who came in. "Sorry 'bout that!" Tommy yelled as he turned around. The person who entered was the same boy that was at the robes shop.

"Hold on for a moment," the man said to the boy. "Let's try another shall we?"

They tried two others before arriving to the wand that was meant for Tommy. "10 1/2 inches, Cedar with Phoenix feather core." Tommy watched the firework-like sparks that the—his wand was emitting with amusement.

"That would be 7 Galleons," the man said. Tommy grabbed the Galleons from his pocket and handed it to the man. Luckily, he was stubborn and didn't hand over the money that Phil gave him to Wilbur.

"Thank you Tommy," the man said as he left. Tommy looked back for a moment How the heck did that man know my name? he asked in his brain as the other boy approached the man. He ignored the thought and went on his way.

The next place he went to was the bookshop. Again, he saw the brunet there. The cauldron store, the potions equipment shop, even at the telescope store, he saw the other boy there. It was odd. It's like they were following each other. Which isn't the case because he arrived at the Owl Emporium the brunet was there, but Tommy was for sure not following him.

"Thank you," he heard the boy say as he carried the owl cage out of the store. Tommy watched the boy leave with his eyebrows furrowed and a confused frown.

"Hello, what can we get you?" a lady from the store asked.

"Uhh," Tommy looked at his list. He wasn't a cat person, and he definitely doesn't want to get a toad. "What kind of owls you have?"

After a not so long selection—and by that Tommy took one look at the Eagle owl and immediately bought it. "I'm naming you Bertrude," Tommy said.

He paid the lady for the owl and left the store. He smirked when he saw that he had checked off everything on his list. Now, all he had to do was find his brothers.


Or they can find him.

Tommy turned around and found his brothers rushing over to him with mixed expressions of worry, relief, and a hint of anger.

This was not gonna be good.


The loud whistle of the Hogwarts Express made Tommy cover his ears as he laughed. He was finally going to Hogwarts! "I'm going in!" Tommy exclaimed, leaving his whole cart at the platform for Wilbur or Techno to take care off.

Once he entered, he was met by a swarm of students wearing robes varying between four colors. He walked around for a bit, and near the end of the train, students who wore robes without colors started appearing. Tommy decided it was about time he tried making friends with people in his year.

He walked over to a random compartment and opened the door. Inside he saw the same brunet he saw wondering around Diagon Alley. "What the hell?" Tommy exclaimed, making the smaller boy jump.

"Is—uhh—did you already claim this compartment or something?" The boy asked. "I can leave if you want me to."

"What? No," Tommy said as he invited himself to sit down. "I meant how the hell am I seeing you everywhere I go!"

Tubbo perked up and nodded. "I know! It's so weird—"

"I found it really odd—"

"—It was like we were following each other."

The two looked at each other in silence for a moment, before bursting out laughing. "Well, it seems like fate wants it, so want to be friends?" The brunet asked.

Tommy hummed, "I guess I can be friends with you, even if you do follow me around. You're so clingy you know."

"I'm clingy? You were 'following'—" he made hand quotes—"me around too you know," he rolled his eyes playfully.

"My name's Tubbo." The brunet extended a hand to the other.

"Tommy." He shook Tubbo's hand. They smiled at each other then spoke.

"Nice to meet you."


I hope you guys enjoyed this! More friendships on the train on future parts!

Wonder what happened to Wilbur and Techno when they found out that they lost Tommy? Read the next part, We Lost Him Already?!

Prompt Suggestions are always open, feel free to comment your ideas, and I will get to know, eventually, lol. Again no shipfics because I have no clue how to write romance.

Thank you for reading! Comments and suggestions are appreciated.


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