21 | Dino Nuggets

Start from the beginning

He didn't tell her this, but he hoped maybe his brother really could get better and he could have a relationship with him again. Regardless of what happens between Loki and Summer, Thor was thrilled about having a sister in law and a niece. It was terrible how he got them both, but he wished to make things as best as he could for them, despite the circumstances.

••• two month ago •••

"I'm fully convinced Siv despises me."

"That's not true, Thor." Summer chuckled and took a sip of her drink.

"How do you know she doesn't hate me?"

"Because I'm her mom." She sassed with a roll of her eyes. "I notice her little glances to make sure you haven't left the room.... and she asks me questions about you, sometimes."

That peeked his interest. "Like what?"

"Well, why you're here so much. What's your job and such. Just trying to get to know you through me. I do my best to encourage her to ask you instead of me." She explained. "You could spend the day with her if you wanted. Just some one on one time." She suggested, curious to know what his response would be.

To her surprise, he nodded eagerly. "Yeah, I can do that!"

And that lead to this conversation:

"But why, mommy?"

"Because I have to go see Dr. Cyndie, baby." Summer explained to her daughter. "So Uncle Thor is gonna spend some time with you, okay? You'll have fun!" Then she left before Siv could protest.

Thor coughed awkwardly and clasped his hands together. "What would you like to do?"

"I'm hungry." She stated, peering up at the large god with pretty blue eyes.

He blinked. "Okay, umm.... what would you like?" Please say McDonald's. He can't cook.

"Dino nuggets." She decided, immediately. "But mommy says I can't have nuggets until I have some veggies first."

Dino? Nuggets? What in the- "where do I find these nuggets of Dino?" He asked, praying they weren't too difficult to make.

Without a word, she stood to her little feet and wobbled to the kitchen. She opened the fridge, and pulled out a bag. "This." She stated as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. How could a child make him feel so stupid? Well, I guess in the same way her father did.

Thankfully, there were directions on the back. While l they cooked, he cut up some vegetables for her. The nuggets turned out a little over cooked, and she made she to point that out to him, but she happily munched on them regardless.

Shortly after, they decided to watch a movie. She let him pick. Mommy would tell her it was nice to let guests pick a movie. Knowing she loved animals, he decided Lion King was the best option.

Little did he know how traumatizing that movie was. An evil uncle that constantly tried to kill his family, the dad fell to his death, Simba became an outcast... that was just in the first part of the movie!

Thor couldn't help but get teary eyed at the death of Mufasa. Though her tone was a little irritated, Siv patted his leg to comfort him and reminded him, "it's just a movie."

When they got to the part Scar sang his song, "Be Prepared," he noticed she got a little scared. He wanted to sass her that, "it was just a movie," but decided against it. Instead, he picked up the popcorn bowl, placed it in his lap, and lifted the blanket to invite her closer. She didn't even hesitate before crawling over to snuggle against his side.

The heat radiating off him made her fall asleep not too long after, and the sound of quiet footsteps from the other room signaled her mother's return.

Summer was immediately brought to tears seeing the two of them together. It's felt like it's been so long since Siv had a good male figure in her life. While her dad couldn't be that for now, she was so grateful Thor was stepping up to the plate. She knew Siv wouldn't be that close to Thor unless she wanted to be and it made her heart swell... but also break. She couldn't help but wish it could be Loki here instead.

Thor turned to look at Summer and grinned proudly. "I'll put her to bed, I'll be right back." He whispered, and she let him.

As if she were as delicate as a piece of glass, he scooped the little girl up and shuffled over to her room. As gently as he could, he laid her down on the bed, and brought the blankets up to her chin.

Before he could get up to leave, a small hand reached up to pet his cheek. "Uncle Thor?" Siv's small voice whispered, her eyes heavy with sleep.


"My daddy said if he was never around, he would send guardian angels to take care of me and mommy. They could be girls or boys."

He smiled gently down at her and brushed her hair back as she lightly pet his cheek. "Is that right?"

She nodded and gave his cheek one last pet, her hand still on his face. "Yeah... So far, you're the best he's sent."

His jaw fell open slightly and his eyes brimmed with tears. While his brother was a victim of something awful, making him do terrible things, one thing he did right was raising this little girl. "You're the angel here, little one." He responded, fighting back tears.

With a big yawn, she closed her eyes. "Will I see him again soon? He's not gone forever?" She mumbled, her words starting to slur together.

A sad smile graced his lips. "I'll do everything in my power to ensure you do see him again soon. I promise."

••• end of flashback •••

Summer smiled as she replayed the memory in her head. The two had been inseparable now. He really was an amazing uncle and loved her to death.

"Mommy!" Siv cheered when she entered the room.

She laughed when Siv launched herself into her arms, nearly knocking her over. She was only gone an hour, but Siv acted this way every time Summer came back from an appointment. "Hi, love! How'd you enjoy your time with Uncle Thor?"

She wiggled herself out of her arms to stand on her own again. "He was telling me stories of daddy! Did you know he turned into a snake one time!?"

Her eyes widened at the mention of her husband, but she hid her hurt the best she could. "Is that so? That certainly sounds like something your daddy would do."

She nodded enthusiastically and retold the story the best she could. Summer listened on, knowing it was best she talked about it. Thor gave his sister in law an apologetic look.

Soon, she became uneasy. She didn't know if it was the food she ate earlier or the thought of her husband making her sick, but she cringed at the taste of bile rising in her throat.

She tried to ignore it at first, but it wasn't going away. It fact, it was coming up. She quickly apologized to her daughter and sprinted to the bathroom just in the knick of time. Thor called in Wanda to go after her so he could distract Siv.

This isn't the first time Summer has gotten sick, as of recent. Most of them assumed it was because of the love potion fading and her body wasn't used to not having it in her system anymore.

"You still feel sick?" Wanda asked as she held her long dark hair back so it wouldn't fall into the toilet. She was a great friend, she was probably the closest friend Summer had here.

She coughed and cringed at the fowl taste in her mouth. "I think I'm okay now. Thank you for helping." She took a deep breath and sat on the cold tile floor.

Wanda said nothing for a moment, but stared at her, wearily. "Summer, are you.... late at all?"

"Late? How do you mean?" She wondered.

"Like.... your cycle. Is your period late?"

"No, it's....." oh no.

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