Steven sighed, "Fine, let me.."

     Ramona-Elizabeth teleported out of her prison, smirking, "Remember; I'm not from here. I came from another world to yours due to a freak accident involving me and some girls I was fighting in a serious battle. I originally was planning on taking over this world and claiming it as my own, but I decided not to due to being both gravely injured and mentally unstable at the time. It's been three years now, I like living here as just a normal human without the uncontrollable and deadly powers. I really don't want to go back to my world and be forced back into the horrible life I lived with abusive parents, living with my workaholic godfather, and fighting heroes on a near to daily basis."

     "Well, it would be hypocritical of me to refuse your request to stay here on earth, or well my world. I guess you can stay here, but on one condition; help me find Spinel," Steven said as the girl nodded.

     "Oh, that shouldn't be a request. I was going to help find her regardless of what you had to say. Come along now, Steven, we mustn't waste anymore time. If we're going to find Spinel, you and me are going to have to search the most unlikeliest of places," Ramona-Elizabeth extended her hand to Steven, "Are you with me?"

     Steven nodded as he grabbed her hand, "Yeah!"

     Ramona-Elizabeth smiled a bit, "Come on, let's go find Spinel!"
Spinel's legs were aching as she walked along the edge of the forest, debating on rather or not she wants to run in or not. She's tired, sore, and in need of a bath. All Spinel wanted was to live on Earth with Ramona-Elizabeth and be with her, either as a roommate or a lover.

All Spinel felt before she met her was loneliness. Even when she used to 'live' with the Diamonds she felt loneliness. Wherever she was before arriving here on Earth she felt loneliness.

It would've been nice if she had gotten shattered all those years ago. She would've been spared the heartbreak, misery, and loneliness herself continues to experience everyday since she first became Pink's playmate.

Pink Diamond was a pretty amazing gem, Spinel will admit, but she also had her own flaws. She was very critical of everything Spinel did or said, expected Spinel to be....maybe she wasn't all that great either as she once thought she was.

Spinel sat down and curled up into a little ball. Unfortunately for her, Spinel gemstones were close to unbreakable, so she couldn't shatter herself even if she tried. Maybe in another life she could've been born as a different gem with a different role in life...just maybe....

Suddenly, Spinel heard someone call out her name. She looked up and saw Ramona-Elizabeth and Steven running towards her. Spinel quickly debated on rather or not she wanted to run away from them, but she decided against doing so. After all, she had about enough of running away from her problems; Spinel wanted to face them head on....hopefully with Ramona-Elizabeth by her side.

Ramona-Elizabeth rushed over towards her and wrapped her arms around the small gem, sighing in relief, "You're okay!"

Spinel chuckled a bit, "Sorry for making you worried about me........WHY IN THE HELL IS STEVEN UNIVERSE HERE?!? IS HE GOING TO.."

"No, I'm not going to force you to go back to Homeworld. It was wrong for me to even do such a thing in the first place and I apologize for that. I will personally talk to the Diamonds in the morning and explain to them everything that had happened and that you do not wish to come back to Homeworld," Steven said in a reassuring tone.

Spinel sighed, "Thanks."

"No problem," Steven responded as he walked over to her and placed a hand on her shoulder, "Come on, you two, lets go home."
It's been a long time since I've updated this book. I forgotten how much fun writing this is over the last couple of months. I have placed so many projects onto my plate I've forgotten to finish up this underrated gem right here in the process.

Man, this book is heavily outdated! So many mistakes, errors, etc,. If I'm going to post this book on Archive and call this book 'completed,' I'm going to have to fix a lot of these mistakes.

It's been a fun little ride since I've last updated this book; achieved four hundred and seventy followers, released a few relevant and popular books, hell I even started up my own AO3 account that's almost a whole year old! I've only been on here for like three years now and I still have a long way to go before I stop.

I genuinely appreciate everyone who had checked out both my page and my books, especially this one. It really makes my day when I see someone add this in their libraries or even votes on the chapters. You all put a huge smile on my face when you do so.

Next chapter will be the books last and final chapter. Yes, there are a lot of plot holes in this book and yes Ramona's backstory doesn't make much sense, but what forms of fiction does?

Is this book about me shipping my OC and Spinel? Slightly, but it's mostly Spinel doing all the pinning and my OC being completely clueless as per usual when it comes to romance. I didn't really have a plan in mind when making this, also I was fourteen when I wrote this, so don't expect the next Picasso masterpiece when reading this.

Still, thank you all for taking the time out of your day to read this. I have plenty of other works on my page if you'd like to view them: I took down Super Psycho Love due to it causing me to have several mental breakdowns while writing the book, also I didn't want to expose anyone who is sensitive to that type of stuff to it.

Have a good day, stay safe, fuck the American government for invading Syria and trying to take it over, and have a good day!

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