Chapter 31- Company Problems

Start from the beginning

"Scott Moore was just run off the road. He's in the ER now."

"Amanda, Reid. Go to the hospital, see what he can remember about the other driver. Prentiss and Morgan head to the scene, see if you can find anything." They nod and head to where they were directed. Reid and Amanda get to the hospital and they let them see Scott right away.

"I'm fine," he swears. "Just a little freaked out."

"You were run off the road. Did you see by who?" Amanda questions.

"It was dark. I just ran into a ditch and I barely have a scratch on me."

"Is there a reason someone would want to run you off the road?"

"Not me, no."

"Then who?" Reid asks.

"Look, a couple months back, Tony met this girl. She seemed nice at first but after about a month she went completely psycho, so he broke up with her. She was angry, used to leave him voicemails about how she was going to get him back and whatever. They stopped about two weeks ago."

"The same time the first murder occurred," Spencer says and Amanda nods.

"Scotty, you said that Tony paid Rachael's way through college because she was such a good secretary, right?"

"Yeah. She was a hard worker. She'd worked there since she was 15 and he didn't notice her aptitude for computers until she was 17."

"When did Rachael finish college and start for the company?"

"About two weeks ago," he mutters, coming to the same conclusion as them.

"Scotty, what was Tony's girlfriend's name?"

"Um, I don't know. I think it started with an M or something." Amanda and Reid share a look.

"I'm gonna call Aaron, stay with him. Try a cognitive to see if maybe he did catch a glimpse of her." Reid nods and Amanda heads outside. Aaron answers after the first ring.

"What have you got?"

"Apparently Anthony dated some psycho girl. Scotty can't remember her name but he said that she used to leave threatening voicemails that stopped two weeks ago, the same time that Rachael finished the college that Anthony paid for after she was his secretary for 2 years. That might have been the trigger."

"You're right, keep-" he's cut off by the sound of the phone hitting the pavement after the unsub knocks Amanda over the head, effectively knocking her out. She looks around before dragging her into her car that was waiting in the ambulance bay, not even noticing the phone where Aaron is still shouting for his sister.


Amanda isn't sure how long she was unconscious but she was kicking herself for not paying better attention to her surroundings. She's a former CIA agent for God's sake. She bites her cheek to stop from groaning as she sits up from the cold cement that she was ditched on. Suddenly, she hears a different groaning. "Spencer," she calls.

"Sorry, Ames. Your boy toy isn't here. It's just me."

"Anthony? Great the only person who can remember your ex's name is stuck here with me. Wait, why did she take me?"

"I have no clue."

"I took her because you love her. Just like you loved that other whore when you should love me!"

"Laura," he tries but she cuts him off.

"No! I can see it. I see the way you look at her but it's okay. I just have to get rid of her and then we can be together."

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