,, - bad boys can be soft too ; scaramouche

Start from the beginning

"you think amber will miss her phone?" scaramouche asked as he flipped through his bag to see what he had stolen. it was the end of school, and the four of you had went back to your usual empty park to chat around until it was time to leave.

you laughed. "that is if she even notices, she has too many phones."

hutao sharpened her nails as she blew them. she rolled her eyes. "ugh, she's so useless in this school. how did she even become a prefect anyway..."

childe wrapped an arm around hutao as he kissed her cheek, slightly leaning in close to her. "well sweetheart you do realise that the rich people always becomes prefects~"

hutao glared at childe and held up her nail sharpener in front of his face. she sighed. "kiss me like that again and im slicing your tongue off."

"woah woah no need for that now miss fiesty." childe backed away and held his hands up in defense. hutao rolled her eyes and went back to doing her nails. you giggled as childe went back to lying on the ground to rest his eyes as you looked down at scaramouche to look into his bag.

there were so many stuff in there, but the josh noticeable thing was the laptop. you blinked. "i'm sorry how did you manage to steal a laptop?"

scaramouche gave you a wink. "oh sweetheart i told you, i can steal anything."

you nodded as you stared at him while he fumbled through his bag to pull out more stuff he stole. he placed them on the ground as you swung yourself back and fourth a little bit on the swing. you stared up into the sky as you kicked over one of your spray bottles.

the sky was a soft blue, and there were birds soaring through the sky. you wondered when you could be able to be free like that. you sighed, and then hutao stood up to stretch herself.

you took a look at her uniform; her skirt was far shorter than the length in the rule book. she had trimmed and altered it into a way that it only covered half of her thighs, showing off a lot of her backside if she ever stretched her arms like that. she deliberately fixed her skirt to look like that, since she was always a hot topic with the boys; while childe was the hot topic with the girls.

you didn't really understand how childe and hutao never really argued, since they were a couple. childe never really got jealous of the other guys; and hutao never got jealous of the girls who drooled over her boyfriend. you assumed it was because they made up all the time with... night time fun.

"ya know what? im heading to the convenience store to buy something," hutao announced. scaramouche nodded and reached into his bag to pull out a wallet he had stolen and threw it towards hutao. she caught it and opened it up, and smirked as she pulled out a few hundred dollars. "man whoever this belongs to... their loss," she then looked down at childe. "babe you wanna come?"

childe opened his eyes, and since he was lying down, and hutao's skirt was very short, he smirked at what he was seeing up there, which annoyed hutao. "what's the smirk for? never saw me wearing red?"

childe chuckled and got up to brush the sand and dirt off his clothes as he clung himself onto his girlfriend and kissed her cheek lovingly. "babyyyy don't be like that, you can show me more of that later~"

hutao slapped his arm as they both started walking towards the convenience store, leaving you and scaramouche together. you sighed and leaned onto his shoulder again.

神. ❛ 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 𝐈Where stories live. Discover now