,, - beyond the finish line ; childe [part ii]

Start from the beginning

childe leaned towards xingqiu and whispered. "imagine if y/n wasn't hurt that badly and they called an ambulance for nothing..."

xingqiu laughed a little while chongyun came over to sit next to him. you then perked up. "hey xingqiu, how was the ribbon dance?"

chongyun gave you a thumbs up as he bit onto his popsicle. "won first place over sixteen schools."

you sighed in relief as the few people congratulated him on his success. you then remembered how you lost to scaramouche and signora and started to slightly feel down again, which shone the attention from childe.

childe took your hand in his and stroked your head with his other hand. "hey, you don't have to be sad alright? sure we lost but at least you're not hurt."

"that doesn't matter, coach zhongli will be so dissapointed in me.."

as if on cue, zhongli, still in his coaching sports attire came into the room. everyone in the room immediately greeted him, and so did you and childe. he then folded up his arms. "well truth be told, i wouldn't be dissapointed in you even if you did lose."

you gave him a confused look. "what do you mean sir? didn't we lose?"

zhongli then looked around suspiciously and then shut the door very quietly. he then cleared his throat and started to shoot up his fists into the air very happily, which took all of you in the room by surprise.

he then cleared his throat and returned back to his normal posture. "they found out that signora and scaramouche were both on some anti-tiredness drug or something and were both disqualified, and since the judges liked the stunt childe pulled back there out of compassion, its safe to say that you both won."

the whole room erupted in screams and cheers as you hugged childe happily. the nurses slammed the door opened again to tell you all to lower down your voices, and you apologised.

"we won!" childe said happily as teucer climbed up onto the bed to hug you happily. you hugged teucer while hutao and xiangling exchanged happy looks.

everyone in the room had won in their own categories; xiao won first place in archery, xiangling, hutao and xinyan won first for the school in synchronised swimming, and xingqiu and chongyun won their ribbon dancing.

"i think our school has the best lines of students," xiao said as xingqiu laughed.

"i must agree with you, we have never failed yet."

teucer then looked up at you and childe, who were both talking with each other. xingqiu also gave you a look. "say y/n, don't you two hate each other?"

you blushed a little and so did childe, you both turned away from each other. teucer then piped up and pointed towards childe. "hate? but big brother always says good things about onee-chan back home."

"TEUCER-" childe exclaimed and immediately grabbed his little brother off the bed and held him in his arms. "oh you do say such weird things sometimes."

xiao then rose from his seat, and in two long strides, he came right in front of childe and slammed both his hands down onto the armrests of the chair childe was sitting on. he then dangerously gave teucer a look, and smiled. "now im curious, what else does childe say about our y/n?"

teucer, completely oblivious to what was happening, smiled up at xiao. "he told me that he loved her!"

the girls erupted into a cackling fest as xiao patted teucer's head and carried him off of childe's lap. "thank you young man for telling me this information," he then gave childe a dangerous side eye. "now allow me to speak to this man."



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"man... xiao is such a bully!" childe exclaimed to you once everyone had left. he sat down on the chair next to your bed and huffed in annoyance. childe's parents had swung by to bid you a get well soon wish and took teucer home, and allowed childe to stay with you.

you giggled and patted his head. "what did the scary xiao do to you?"

"he just told me to... treat you well or else the next archery mark he'd use is my head..."

you laughed, but that lasted for a few seconds before you felt childe hold both your hands. you then looked over at him as he stared down at your hands, a little nervous to saw what he wanted to say. he gulped a little before brushing his thumbs over the back of your hands.

"you know... i was very worried about you." he admitted softly. you smiled gently and patted his head.

"its alright, i'm okay now."

he then sighed and looked up into your eyes. his sea blue eyes held in the beauty of the sea , and you felt so calm staring into those eyes of his. "y/n, i know we both hate each other but... if i told you i wanted to be your boyfriend, would you allow me to?"

you blushed red. you hadn't expected childe to be so bold with his words. he noticed that your eyes had widened, and you not saying anything made him retort a little. he then looked away. "i-i mean its alright if you don't want to-"

you then pulled his face back and pressed your lips onto his soft ones, taking him by complete surprise. you kissed him softly as he melted his lips onto yours, bringing his hands up to hold your cheeks. you had never felt this type of warmth before, and since it came from him, it warmed you up better than any fire could.

you pulled away and smiled at him. "of course i would love to have you as my boyfriend."

he wrapped his arms around you and stroked your head and happily cried his long kept tears out. "im... im glad y/n.."

you hugged him back and pulled away to wipe away his tears. "why are you crying silly."

"i'm just happy," he laughed a little and sniffled. he then planted a soft kiss onto your temple. "but this doesn't mean i dont hate you though."

you rolled your eyes. "i will win you in racing one day, watch me."

"oh, i will always be watching you~" he winked, and you blushed. you gave him a slap on his arm as he laughed at you.

although you both had expressed your feelings to each other, this was just the starting of your adventures together. there will be ups and downs, but you were willing to take the challenges with him.

if it was with him, anything was possible.

神. ❛ 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 𝐈Where stories live. Discover now