Bonus: Christmas Time-Before the Movie

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Reena was laying out another box of tinsel for when her daughter came home.

They had put up the outside lights about two weeks earlier. There were white icicle lights hanging from the roof. There were two moving deer in the front yard with bells and white lights. There was a purple little Jesus tree in the front yard as well as a small quaint Nativity on the front lawn. There were also some multicolored lights that were hung haphazardly around the front bushes and trees. It was a classic Christmas set up straight from her own childhood.

They had put up a tree about two weeks ago too. It was a wonderful time with Marcus standing on a chair trying to balance a star on the top. It was a new one since their previous one toppled off the tree somehow and burst on the ground.

She had drug out all the old ornaments and paper mache ones, and her daughter helped put them on the tree as Christmas music played in the back ground.

They had to have the most important ornaments on the top and the least important on the bottom which led to the bottom layer being completely covered in plain ball ornaments. She had to laugh because she decorated all her trees this way growing up. Neither of her parents understood it.

Hearing the front door open, she walked over to see her daughter bounding in with her husband loaded up with sacks of various things.

"Did you get all the Christmas shopping done that you wanted to?" she asked her daughter.

"Yep! And I made sure that Dad didn't look!" she giggled and took the box of tinsel that her mother had given her.

"More tinsel. I'm gonna be vacuuming for weeks," Marcus groaned half heartedly.

"And did you get everything we needed? Holiday shopping during the holiday is horrible," Reena spoke and gave him a kiss.

"I hope so," he said and pulled out a box from the sack, "Another angel for the collection."

"Oh! How pretty!" Reena took it happily.

Another tiny glass angel ornament.

She took it and immediately put it towards the top of the tree.

"Te amo," Marcus said behind her and kissed her cheek. (I love you.)

"And I love you," Reena kissed him back.

"Ew!" Missy shouted at them.

They pulled back with a chuckle.

"Good. You stay with that," Marcus spoke seriously.

"Wait until you find him," Reena said and patted her husband on the chest.

"Nope, never," Marcus took over, "You're gonna be daddy's little girl forever!"

He scooped her up and tossed her upside down; Missy was giggling the whole time.

"But I'm a big girl, Daddy!"

"Of course you are! You're Daddy's big little girl!" he tickled her, laughing the whole time.

Reena grabbed the tinsel and threw it on them.

"Oh no! We're gonna be covered in this for weeks!" Marcus cried out dramatically.

He had to put her down, as she was getting bigger, and he was getting older.

He sat down with a huff onto their couch.

Reena loved her kids, but she was so glad they weren't in her house everyday anymore. They had gotten new furniture set and a new TV monitor.

They were also transforming the playroom again. They were gonna expand Missy's room and bring back an office instead, so that Reena could have a place to hold her school supplies and work on some more devices to use.

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