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"Are you okay?" Marcus asked her.

Reena shakily got up off the floor.

"Yeah, I think I'll be okay."

"We have to figure out a way to free the team and stop those monsters," he says.

"Right," she nodded.

They looked around and realized that there was literally nothing in the room that they could see that was useful. Their friends were behind a barrier that went from the floor to the ceiling which was too high for them to reach. The computer that Reena had been at was fried, and the screen their villain used was up in the ceiling again.

"We're trapped here," he ground out.

Reena jumped back when he punched the wall in frustration.

"Stop that. We can't get out of here if you injure yourself," she scolded.

"I can't help it. I... I just feel helpless," he admitted with a heavy sigh.

"I know you do, but if we freak out, we can't save them," she put her hand on his shoulder comfortingly.

Marcus smiled at her for a moment before realizing something.

"Reena, you can get us out of here!" he shouted at her excitedly.

"How Marcus? I don't have like super pick locking skills, and we sent Tech-No away," she scoffed.

"No! Remember what he said 'It pays to have a power to see what others do not'. You. You have the exact same thing he does, even more because it's yours naturally," he explained, "If anyone can get us out of here, it's you."

Reena nodded and closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She opened her eyes and truly looked around the room before looking up. In the tiny crease of the ceiling she saw the panel where the screen was.

"Marcus, does a TV screen have metal in it?"

"Yeah," he said and looked up too.

"Bring it down," she smirked.

Marcus raised his hand and used his powers to pull the screen from the ceiling and drop it to the floor.

Reena took her grappling hook out and threw it towards the hole.

Marcus used his abilities to move the hook up and secured it to a pipe above them.

She pulled on to make sure it was gonna hold.

"We're good," she let him know.

"Good," Marcus got a good look at the hole, "You're gonna have to go up there by yourself. I'm not gonna fit."

"I can't."

"You can. Now go. We're wasting time," he encouraged.

She grimaced but grabbed onto the rope and began to climb up.

"I'll here to catch you if you fall," he shouted up at her, "But keep going you're doing great!"

Reena made it up the very high rope and hauled herself into the crevice. She looked around and saw some glowing panels in a circle. There was one for each Heroic captured.

She made it to the first one and opened it up. There was a series of wires. She immediately saw which one to cut. She took out a small pair of scissors and used it to cut the blue wire.

Down below, Marcus saw Blinding Fast's case flicker off. He immediately ran over and freed his friend.

"Marcus," Blinding opened his eyes.

As soon as the pipe was gone, he was up but a little disoriented.

One by one, Reena and Marcus freed all of their friends except Crimson.

Reena cut the wire while Marcus pulled the pipe off of his friend when Crimson, in surprise, blasted his powers at the ceiling which caused them to exploded.

"Ah!" Reena fell out of the ceiling.


Marcus stepped below her and used his abilities to pull her belt to him like last time.

Reena opened her eye cautiously to see that Marcus had caught her.

"I got you," he grinned cheekily at her.

"Quite flirting!" Red shouted.

Marcus dropped her suddenly at those words.

"Ow," Reena groaned but got up.

"Sorry," he awkwardly apologized.

"So what do we do now?" Blinding Fast asked.

"First we need to make it back to the city and stop those monsters, protect the civilians. Then we take down that man," Marcus stood up straighter.

They all looked to him.

"Miracle, you're gonna take Reena and Red back," he said.

Miracle walked over and wrapped an arm around Reena's waist and Red's waist.

"Hold on. I don't need a man to save me," Red argued.

"No, but you can't fly," Marcus explained.


"Always gotta make a point. Don't you?" Crimson argued.

"Shut up," Red retorted.

"Blinding, you're gonna take Crimson and Sharkboy," Marcus shouted over them to stop any more arguments.

"Got it!" Blinding Fast zipped over and grabbed the two heroes.

"Vox, can you get Crushing and I?" Marcus asked.

"Of course I can," Vox sang.

"Lavagirl, you can use your lava powers to travel," he continued.

They all looked at him.

"Heroics! Let's go!"

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