Chapter 1: A Promise Broken

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Neon lights beaming brightly through the wide wall of windows, instantly blacked out by dark curtains, leaving the room illuminated only by the soft florescent lights of the lamps in every corner. There is a heavy downpour of rain outside pattering against the cement pavement and glass windows.

President Edmund Bates stares down at the dark wooden desk he sits at, crossing his hands over the surface. He takes a deep breath and shuts his eyes, listening to the rain but is instantly disturbed by soft but firm knocking on the door to his conference room.

He sighs and flattens his hands atop the desk. "Come in," says Bates.

The golden doorknob turns and pushes open, letting the SRL leader into the room. Alain gently shuts the door behind him and stands in front of it with his hands crossed behind his back and his head high. "I thank you for permitting me entrance to County Yastra. I know that you and your kind do not much care for the SRL," Alain speaks slowly, his tone never wavering or amounting to any level of emotion.

Bates nods with a stern face. "The only reason I let you in is because we have a common enemy that needs to be put down. So don't mistake my 'hospitality' for acceptance of what you are," he states and sighs, motioning to the open chair opposite from him on the other side of the desk.

Alain strides over mechanically, sitting down in the chair with perfect posture. He sits, staring at Bates in silence. The president sighs. "We need to act. This war has been going on for a whole year now, and we have yet to do much at all against County Mortal. How much longer are we going to wait?"

Alain slowly raises a hand. "Patience. The time we have been waiting is time that is necessary to spend as such. This 'war' is about far more than simply quelling rebellion Mortality. That is something I need to be assured that you understand."

"Well, I don't understand. We have more than enough power to besiege them at any given moment, and you choose to hold back. Why? What is the point in prolonging the war longer than is necessary?"

The SRL sighs and lowers his hand to his lap. "There are more forces at play in this fight than you and Mayor Wright are aware of. The 'Pull' became stronger a year ago, and it has only grown with the passing time. Soon, my lesser half will no longer be able to fight it."

Bates growls and leans back in his chair, crossing his arms. "I don't care about whatever personal agenda you have. Mortality needs to be stopped, and the only way to do that is to cut off the head of the serpent," he says and his face hardens.

Alain nods once. "You aim to eliminate Mayor Wright. You believe this will put an end to his rebellion. What of his followers? Those who join him in battle? Do you have faith that with Mayor Wright out of the picture, the rebellion will simply cease to exist? He is not the only one with the ideals of free SRL, he is simply the one ordering their liberation."

The president groans and leans forward again, resting his arms on the desk and studying Alain. "So then, if you're so 'tactful', what do you propose we do?" he asks.

Alain slowly stands up and returns his hands to cross behind his back. As he rises, the door opens and four people, all dressed in elite Unity uniforms that have been custom made in different colors for each, and all of them standing orderly behind the SRL leader and copying his stance.

One of the women has slick blonde hair, tied back in a tight braid that hangs down to the center of her back. Her eyes are bright green. Her uniform is colored in black and yellow, hugging tightly to her body like the rest of the soldiers.

The second woman has raven-colored hair, short and wavy at shoulder length, and icy blue eyes. Her uniform is the same as the other woman's, only instead it's in black and violet.

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