Wake Me Up After Astronomy, Would You?

Start from the beginning


A beat passed, "Are you a Leo?"

"Wilbur," Techno sighed, "we're twins."


Techno stopped scribbling for a moment and looked at his brother. Wilbur still had his head on the table, but his arms weren't covering them anymore—making the fact that his eyes were halfway close, visible. The hood of his robes was barely hanging on his head. "I thought you were determined to get some sleep?" Techno asked the brunet.

"I am," Wilbur said. "'m just not tired yet," he yawned.

Techno hummed, "Sure," he said and went back to jotting down notes. 

A few moments passed before he felt a light tug on his hair. Looking to his left once more, he saw a few strands of his long pink hair in Wilbur's hold—observing them, it seems.

"I think it's 'bout time we had another one of our hair sessions soon," Wilbur said, a few words were but a mumble. "You're starting to get spit ends."

"Yeah," Techno nodded. "Sure."

"Yay," Wilbur stretched the word.

 "As much as I like talking to ya, Wilbur, I'm kinda takin' notes here," Techno said.

"Mhm," Wilbur nodded, "You do that."

Techno interpreted that as Wilbur leaving him alone, but it seems like Wilbur was just spouting out nonsense at this point.

"Your hair's really soft."

"Why can't I get a pet sheep?"

"Phil has blond hair..."

"...we don't."

"Techno, are we adopted?"

"I don't know man, fishes just look so damn attractive sometimes," Wilbur said.

That's it, I draw the line at cursed attraction. Techno faced Wilbur for—hopefully—the last time that early morning. "Hey Wil, sleepy yet?" He asked.

"No. I don't think so."

Techno hummed as he brought his hand to Wilbur's head. He ran his hand through the other's brown locks. Wilbur giggled at the motion and no sooner than three minutes, he fell asleep. Techno continued to do so—as to not risk waking the younger one up—as he wrote with is other hand. Every now and then he would crack a small smile whenever he felt Wilbur subconsciously lean into his touch. 


"—ur. WIlbur."

Who the hell is waking me up this early? Wilbur slowly opened his eyes to be met by Techno who had just stopped shaking him. "The fuck you doing in my room?"

"Does this look like your shit room, Wil?" Techno asked.

Wilbur sat up straight, and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. They were in the Astronomy Tower. Oh. "Where's everyone else?"

"They've already left," Techno said. "I told the professor, you weren't feeling well—which isn't exactly a lie—and he let you sleep through the class," he explained as he stood up from his seat and grabbed his satchel. "I swear if I had known it would take a whole ten minutes to wake you up I would have left you here."

Wilbur made a smug face, "You wouldn't."

"I so would've," Techno said with a straight face and his usual monotone voice.

Wilbur grabbed his own bag and stood up, "You know what, let's just go, dickhead," he said with no actual malice in his tone. 

The two walked down from the Astronomy Tower discussing the things Wilbur was saying while he was half-asleep.

Techno chuckled, "And then you said somethin' 'bout finding fishes attractive."

"Oh, that part's true," Wilbur said.

Techno gave him the 'What the fuck?!' look. "Do you need me to bring you to St. Mungo's or somethin'?" 

Wilbur shook his head, "Now you're just being dramatic."

Once the two reached the ground floor, they went and said their goodbyes as they were going different ways. Wilbur to the dungeons, Techno to the Ravenclaw Tower.

"Well, goodnight Techno." Wilbur gave small wave.

Techno waved back.

"G'night Wilbur."


Have some Techno and Wilbur brotherly content 'cause I said so. Thank you again for all the support for this series! I hope you enjoyed this part! Prompt Suggestions are always open, feel free to comment your ideas, and I will get to them...you know, eventually, lol. Again no shipfics because I have no clue how to write romance.

Thank you for reading! Comments and suggestions are appreciated.


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