He was ordered to look for the snake Sannin. And kill him, somewhere in or near The Land of Sea. Asahi kept on looking and couldn't find anything. He was running on a beach when he saw a figure in the distance.

"What's that." Asahi said, running close to the figure. And saw it was a girl with purple hair. "Please help me." The girl said, falling with Asahi catching her quickly.

"What's your name." Asahi asked the tired girl. "Anko, my name is Anko." She said, going asleep in Asahi's arms. Asahi knew this name. This was the girl that left with Orochimaru. Asahi left through a Hiraishin and arrived at the Kohona hospital. "Hey, I need help!" Asahi yelled, and several doctors and nurses came and helped the girl. When the doctors came, he left a shadow clone and Hiraishin back to where he was.

He looked around the sea and sense and felt for any chakra. He found the source, and it was coming from underneath the water near one of the islands. Asahi found it and avoided any traps. He looked at the ninja in the base and avoided them. They seemed to be missing nins mostly. He ran to the prisoner cells and found countless dead bodies in each of them, all with horrifying wounds and scars. He continued to walk but hear crying in the last cell.

He heard crying in the back, and he walked to the source of it, and it showed a little girl about the same age most of his children. "Please!Not again!" The girl said, crying and backing up from Asahi. "Look shh. Ok, everything is ok. Please tell me your name. My name is Asahi." Asahi asked the girl, but she wouldn't speak, making Asahi look at the girl's arm and legs and noticed how malnourished she was.

"Look, I may have someone to help." Asahi said, making a shadow clone and it Hiraishin out of the room. And after a couple of minutes. The clone Hiraishin back with Ryoko beside the clone. Ryoko smiled at the little girl.

"Hey, my name is Ryoko. You want to eat at my home there is plenty of children you speak and play with there. You be safe there. No one will hurt you." Ryoko said, holding her hand out to the girl who, after a second of thinking, took it. And stood up.

"Look, now you about to experience something new ok," Ryoko said to the girl, who nodded. And the clone Hiraishin out of the base. And Asahi let his calm face become full of angry.

He activated his chakra and charged out of the room straight to a crowd of missing-nin. They had their heads cut off before they could move or speak, and multiple heads bounced off the ground and rolled. Asahi made it to what seem to be the barracks and saw plenty of people sleeping. Asahi walked to one of the sleeping people.

And put his hand around the man's face and snapped. One after the other is killed silently without a whisper. He walked to the last room where a doctor was working on something. He walked behind the man; he noticed all the pictures of the human bodies and math equations.

Asahi tapped the man's shoulder scaring him. He turned around and backed up, afraid immediately. Asahi pulled out a kunai.

(31 minutes later)

"Kill me." The new beaten down and tortured form of the doctor. Asahi did a couple of hand signs.

"Summoning Jutsu!"

And a couple of Phoenixes appeared in the room, all of them being the size of Asahi himself.

"This man has done horrible things. (does a Jutsu where the phoenixes saw Asahi memories and Phoenixes grow in size in anger) he needs to be punished!" Asahi said, and the man was attacked on all sides, being slowly burned alive.

Asahi walked around and grabbed all the intel and information he could find and Hiraishin to where the beach was. And transformed into his Kagutsuchi form and flew high into the sky. And he raised his sword high into the air.

Naruto: Asahi Namikaze  (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now