A/N & Notices

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Hello there, Eina(the author) here! Thank you so much for reading this long story, and I hope you enjoyed it. ^^ Second off, here are some things that I would like to mention before I check this story off as complete.

More about Worlds Collide

>> Worlds Collide is a fictional fantasy story inspired by yours truly's imaginations. It is planned to be a series with a rough estimate of three books with roughly 3000 words per chapter(.5 or additional chapters are around 1000 words). There may be a different story with such things as character bios or descriptions, other scenes that had to be wiped off, and maybe a Q&A with the characters(It honestly depends on the views and yours truly's motivations xD).

>> After Worlds Collide, there is planned to be a sequel series with possibly three to five books, although it's a very rough idea with only the general plotline finished.

>> The second book for Worlds Collide is currently in process; therefore, the next story will possibly come out around a year later;;

More about additional stories from yours truly

>> Future books are in process! There is a mystery fiction/sci-fi story that will possibly come soon with around 1000-2000 words per chapter. The second book for Worlds Collide will come in the future, AND some other series might come in the future! Although I might not write the story immediately, I'm always open to new story ideas or criticism, so feel free to comment!

That's all I can think of! Thank you so much for reading the first book of Worlds Collide ^^

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