Chapter 15.5

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(Dohyun Lee <> Player/Current identification: Cyrus)

Cyrus roamed down the hallway, heading toward his tent. The way to the upper-class tents was always quiet and empty, a great place to clear his mind. Most of the upper classes were still busy with training people, saving people, scouting, missions, lookouts, and, well, looking good while doing all of that. There were more things, of course, but that wasn't his main focus right now.

The taps of his shoes echoed throughout the silent hallway as he strolled past the other upper-class tents. The way to his dorm wasn't anything significant. It was kinda rocky, thanks to the stones at the bottom. He held a burning candlestick in his left hand. Although he could have used a flashlight instead, he preferred the old ways from time to time. The tents of the upper classes were just more prominent than the lower ones. Of course, there were more ways to jazz up his tent, which he didn't bother to do.

Suji Choi. Was that the girl's name? Cyrus remembered how they had first met at the pirate ship with that tiny pirate boy who kept referencing himself in third-person. The girl had stared at him for like, the entire time when they were at the ship, he thought that he was melting under her gaze. It wasn't like she was the first one, though; many girls stared at him for some reason. Yet, he couldn't have been more shocked when he ran through the list of new players' names to find his old friend Victoria in there and think that Suji had named herself like that was unbelievable. Of course, it COULD have been a just been coincidence, but he took that time to remember how Victoria, no Suji, had asked him if Cyrus was his real name. Back then, he just thought that somehow he had slipped his real name, Dohyun Lee, out, but after Cyrus had listened to his Infonet and the recording in it, he figured out that he hadn't. So could this new girl possibly be related to Victoria? However, Victoria was good at combat, but by the looks of it, Suji was not, although she was leveling up rapidly. The last time he saw her, a few days ago, was at the archery training area.

Cyrus frowned; why was this all so confusing? Why couldn't there be something like Suji=Victoria sign stuck up on Suji's head? He grunted with annoyance as he approached his tent. Unlike the lower classes, the higher levels could change tents' colors, but Cyrus didn't bother to decorate his since he didn't spend much time in it anyway. Basically, his tent was basic; therefore, the first thing he would see was a common room, except that it was made for a single person since he had no dorm mate.

When Cyrus slipped into his tent, the flap fluttering behind him, he felt something or someone staring at him. Instead of panicking, he sighed in annoyance. "I know you're there; come out."

There was a silent chuckle at the dark corner of Cyrus's tent as a boy slunk out of the darkness. "That was fast. Last time it took you ages to find me."

Cyrus frowned slightly. For a moment, he was lost in his thoughts; he nearly forgot the starter of his entire brainstorm, the boy who was standing before his eyes. "What do you want?"

At first, he couldn't care less about Suji; he just thought that she was just another player passing by. However, one day, this boy charged into his room, claiming that he felt that he had found Victoria. Cyrus just laughed it off back then but now? He couldn't seem to go a single day without the confusion in his head.

"I'm guessing you met her?" the boy asked back immediately; he had jet black hair like him, except that the other boy's gradually turned golden as it went down. His turquoise eyes shone dully even though his mouth was pulled back into a small smirk. The boy wore a navy blue hoodie, the hood pulled up on his head, he wore a pair of dark inky black jeans and a pair of pitch-black sneakers, unlike Cyrus, who was still in his training suit. The boy crossed his arms in front of him. "So, what do you think? Do you think it's her? Same features?"

"I-I don't know!" Cyrus confessed. "I only saw Victoria when she was young; I mean, there were some parts similar to them..." he faltered; he almost spilled his bean! Cyrus chewed his cheek, determined not to talk more about his childhood friend. "Anyway, why are you here? Shouldn't you be like, I don't know... As you put it, check the Amicabiliter's surroundings and stuff?"

The boy let out a slight chuckle before he slipped out of the shadow entirely, uncrossing his arms during the process. "Yeah, I should, but I thought you'd like to know something in the meantime. Besides, isn't there something you'd like to tell me?" the boy asked, calmly perching himself on Cyrus's wooden table gracefully.

Cyrus bit back a frown; just because someone was good-looking doesn't mean they could get away with everything. "I would like to say no, but I actually do. Are you sure that player Garrett won't come in our way? He tried firing an arrow at me, you know, and he's plenty powerful."

"Oh, don't worry about him," the boy said with a small laugh. "He might be strong, but he's not that smart. And useful pawns," the boy said, a shadow casting on his face menacingly, "Should be kept, don't you agree?"

Cyrus gulped silently and gave him a slight nod. "I guess. What is it that you want to tell me again?"

"Oh, that..." the boy's voice trailed off slightly. "Yeah, remember player Adam? Suji's trainer. Yeah... About him..."

Cyrus's face darkened. "What about him?"

"He's... injured. I think you might want to check on him or ask the... Amicabiliter about him," the boy finished.

"You should have told me sooner! If I get blamed for coming late, it's all on you!" Cyrus yelped as he whirled back toward his entrance. Cyrus let out a huff of annoyance as he fled out of his tent and toward the hospital.

"It was nice talking to you!" the boy yelled behind him as the flap closed. "If you ever need me, you know where to come!"

As Cyrus's footsteps echoed throughout the ground once more, the boy leaped off the table and slipped away into the dark shadows. And to the Amicabiliter.

Worlds Collide(The Wish)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora