Chapter 1

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Suji Choi was a teenage girl who lived in the real world. Partly. Ever since she was born, Suji had a significant amount of imagination. Occasionally, no, so often, she would slip into her world to get rid of the pains and torture from the real one. She would play with Dohyun, go on adventures, and even take the spotlight as a heroine. Even though her imagination allowed her to multitask: which allowed her to open her eyes and do whatever she wishes while she imagines: always, a part of her told her that this world was not the real world, forcing her to face reality once more, making her suffer until Suji slips into her world again, which takes a while after she realizes the harsh truth.

That night, after hours of housekeeping of the empty house, Suji stumbled inside her apartment bedroom. Her bedroom was the average size of South Korean rooms; tiny. She had a small, round bedroom window just at the edge of her petite table, just high enough so that she could sit down and see outside. Her table was neatly organized, with a small bookshelf on top of it; her tiny wooden chair tucked underneath it, and her clean white-sheeted single bed was just at the feet of the window. She leaned against her apricot wall and stared outside the night sky through her midget bedroom window. The twilight night sky was cloudy; only a few dimly lit stars shone dully, not that she minded. The nights in Seoul always seemed to have the brightness of the buildings surrounding her apartment. Suji let out a heavy sigh as she pressed her forehead against the chilly window, closing her eyes and enjoying the coolness for a while: this was her favorite moment of her miserable days. She took a deep breath and opened her eyes slowly, and as if a switch had turned on, she began seeing things in the busy city night. A black and murky thing poked out from a shining apartment window next door. Suji made a finger gun at it with a small grin.

"Bang, bang!" she whispered under her breath: a brilliant golden light formed from the tips of her fingers zapped the black figureless demon on the head, and it dissolved into thin air. Suji made a satisfied smile and blew at her fingers as she pretended to blow away the smoke the gunshot had made. "And Lady Victoria strikes again!"

Lady Victoria. Her very own personal heroine name that she chose a long time ago. Lady Victoria always wore a Tangerine orange suit with a tie with a white V sign on it, which was the exact thing she was wearing currently. Suji smiled, slyly, and posed with her thumb on her forehead, her hand still in the shape of the finger gun, like a hero character from all hero movies she had watched. But then, as always, her happiness never lasted long. Suji remembered there was no way for her to shoot any of her worries away: she slipped back to the real world. Suji sighed and brought her knees up to her arms as she stared back at the blackness of the night sky again, pressing her forehead against the window once more. As if a switch had switched off, she no longer saw anything besides the reality: her clothes flickered and switched back to her plain blue pajamas. Suji let out another heavy breath as she lifted her fingers to draw on the fridge window glass. Her fingers trailed along with the newly made V sign, and Suji smiled. Her symbol that she chose from long ago. When she was young, she just thought it was impressive, and nothing else: now that Suji thought about it, V could stand for Victorious or Victory and- that was how she had gotten her heroine name. Besides, it looked like the peace sign: that was the one thing she desperately wanted. Peace. And maybe the sensation of love too.

Suji closed her eyes and exhaled softly. Then, in a quiet voice underneath her breath, she whispered a single wish she had since she was a young child. "I wish... That all imaginations would come true..."

Suji sat there for a while, waiting for any magical thing that she hoped would happen but never did. Nevermore, Suji decided long ago, she would expect anything to happen miraculously, yet, misery tugged her heart. From a young age, Suji believed in all types of magic: from Santa to the tooth fairy and everything in her imaginary world. She trusted that someday, she would be able to come face to face with the dream boy she always talked to in her head. Alas, when has that ever happened-

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