Chapter 22

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Suji's eyes widened as the Amicabiliter suddenly whirled around to block a hit. And the hitter was no other than Calla herself. Suji started blinking rapidly; she couldn't believe her eyes. Although she DID think that Calla should have stopped the Amicabiliter, she had doubted that she'd actually do it.

Calla, being the soft-hearted girl, Suji doubted that she'd use violence in any way to another person. Sure enough, the girl was shaking heavily; her entire body shook as the girl staggered away, possibly from the shock of what she had done.

Suji knew that Calla would now fall onto her knees and beg for mercy, being the type of person she was. What she was not expecting was the girl to stagger back to the Amicabiliter with her fist raised. The Amicabiliter waited as the other girl stumbled to her and whirled her fist awkwardly toward her. The Amicabiliter made an annoyed "Tsk" before she grabbed the other girl's wrist and slammed her to the ground. Calla made a painful shriek that drove Suji back to Earth. She had to do something!

"You're fast, I see," the Amicabiliter said, staring down at the unconscious girl. "I should not have let her close up to you. I'm quite impressed-" she said, gracefully turning her gaze toward the small girl.

The young girl was so... still, Suji was starting to wonder if she was actually alive. That was when she heard a small giggle. The giggle started growing louder and louder until the girl was bursting with laughter. She jerked her head up, and with a gasp, Suji realized a change in her appearance. Her frizzy blond pigtails were now dark violet, and both of the whites in her eyes had turned pitch black. Her iris were now a shade of light pink, dripping with the sense of murder.

"This is why you should never ignore the young!" the little Stain shrieked, her voice dripping with glee. "You think we're all cupcakes and rainbows when we're not! We CAN be smart when we want to, you know. Gee, I could have tricked you, though! Hmft, I send all my hatred to your no huggies statement."

The Amicabiliter raised her eyebrow. "I'm quite curious, though, how are you controlling her?"

The Stain giggled. "WELL... I'm feeling good, so I'll tell you!" the girl fumbled into the pockets of her pants and proudly pulled out a heap of paper. "I stick these on to the thing I want to control, and I get a puppet of it. It has to be a living being though, I'm not strong enough to control a nonliving being yet..."

The Amicabiliter nodded slowly. "Hmm... I'm still quite confused... Would you mind giving me an example?"

The girl sighed. "Old people these days... Think they are so smart and all..." she pointed towards Calla's left hand; a crumpled-up seal was stuck onto it. "So, if I stick my seal like that, then I get a puppet," she paused and looked down at her and chuckled. "Oh, silly me, you can't see it!" with a swish of a hand, Calla's small duplication appeared, dangling in the same posture that the real Calla was in. Threads, ever so thin, clung onto it, and the Stain lifted her hand in a demonstration. "And if I move this puppet..." she said as the puppet jerked it's right arm up into the air. Suddenly, with a grunt of pain, the real Calla hauled her arm up, even though she was still lying on the ground. "The real one moves! Isn't that so cool?"

The Amicabiliter smiled a bit. "Indeed. So, what happens if we remove the paper?"

"I can't control the thing anymore!" the Amicabiliter nodded in understanding and suddenly flew to the ground toward Calla's left hand. The young Stain shrieked with surprise, and Calla was jerked away from the Amicabiliter. "WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING?!"

The Amicabiliter staggered back up and turned toward the young Stain. "Taking the seal off her, duh."

"B-But!!!" the Stain's pink irises widened with confusion and panic. "T-Then I lose control over her!"

Worlds Collide(The Wish)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz