interviews with the band ♪ the band

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"magic!" luke waved his hands in front of his face, making the boys laugh.

"a secret we will never tell." reggie winked toward the camera, and alex got ready for the next question.

"this is so much fun!" julie said, smiling at the boys surrounding her. they all nodded in agreement and turned to alex for the last question.

"how did julie and the phantoms meet?" the band aw-ed at this one, and alex spoke up, "well we all," he panned him arm to the boys, "met julie a while back, and instantly knew that a band was already created. she has an amazing voice and it was the perfect addition to our already-formed-semi-band." he laughed at his words, and julie smiled.

"couldnt have done it without these three boys." she snaked her arms around all thier necks and pulled them in for one side hug, all the boys groaning.


"alright so this is just a friendship challenge, so be totally transparent, honest, and really have fun with it. that's what the fans want to see." the camera man told the boys standing next to each other.

luke and alex looked toward each other and laughed, but nodded.

"we'll need pieces of you guys doing things together and apart, so don't get too comfortable together just yet!" the crew directed the boys through all the individual and partner activities, and honestly, the boys could not stop cracking the camera crew up.


"wow, i mean luke," alex stood alone, and spoke like he had nothing to say but everything to say all at once, "i mean we've been through everything together."

cut to luke standing alone, "i think it was how alex was extremely there for me during my hard times and how i was there for him when..." the boy shrugged, "at the time the boy felt like he had no one," he awkwardly played with his hair as he continued, "i think it was those moments that created the strong bond we have today."

"i remember..." alex was back standing alone, laughing at his thoughts, "one time while we were rehearsing, luke tried to flip his guitar over his back," alex quickly showed the crew the motions of the trick, "and he was so over confident about it, i mean like too confident," the boy couldn't hold in his laughter, "and he completely wiped himself out." the crew could be heard laughing from behind the camera, "i mean the guitar hit his head good. that was a fun time."

"oh my gosh," it was back to luke, who was just shaking his head at the memory he was about to share, "i remember when i first met alex. we were in school, and he didn't really have a lot of friends at the time, but we were in the school band together. and he was just showing off his skills on the drums," luke rose his eyebrows in shock, "and, like, no one was paying attention to him. like, this boy was just slaying it on the drums and i was the only one watching." the boy laughed, and the crew joined in as well, "and my jaw was probably on the floor, but, he was amazing. and i just-" luke stuttered as he spoke, "i knew. i knew this was my new best friend. i just had to go talk to him."

now the two boys stood together, smiling at the camera.

"we're luke and alex from the band julie and the phantoms," luke started, turning to alex to hear him finish the intro off, "and we're with glamour to do their special friendship challenge."

𝐆𝐇𝐎𝐒𝐓 𝐎𝐅 𝐔𝐒 , 𝐋𝐔𝐊𝐄 𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐎𝐍Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora