x. christmas party

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧a random corridor✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

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✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
a random corridor
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

hermione had given harry some advice to ask hope to the christmas party.

"hope! hey, hope!" harry exclaimed after seeing hope roam the halls with hermione.

"harry! hey, what's up?"

hermione had sent harry a wink, and excused herself from the conversation.

"i wanted to uhm—ask you a question, and it's okay if you don't wanna, because i'd totally understand. but i just wanted to ask, just in case, y'know—erm—"

harry's rambling was interrupted by hope letting out a small giggle,"what is it, harry? i've known you for over a year, it can't possibly be that bad."

"willyoucometoslughornschristmaspartywithme?!"harry said quickly and a little louder than expected.

hope sent harry a questioning look, making him say it slower," will you c-come to slughorn's christmas party with me?" harry says with a hopeful look.

hope's eyes had widened slightly, she didn't expect harry to ask her.

"again, you don't have to—" harry said once seeing her shocked face.

"—harry, no, i'd love to." hope said as her lips slowly turned upward, and her eyes lit up in joy.


hope nodded enthusiastically.

"brilliant." harry said with a wide smile.

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
slughorn's office
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

hope wore a simple red a-line dress, that hugged her waist perfectly before fanning out, ending just above her knees.

hope, who stood at a fairly 2 inches shorting than harry, held his hand as the two walked to slughorn's office, slightly red from the contact.

"drink?" neville offered, walking to where hope and harry were.

"neville!" harry and hope respond in unison once they see neville.

"i didn't get into the slug-club. it's okay though." neville said, as harry fixed his tie.

"i'm fine, mate, thanks." harry said.

"same here." hope says, making neville walk away.

hope and harry look around to see hermione hiding behind a curtain.

they send each other a questioning glance, before
walking towards the brunette.

"hermione, what are you doing?" harry asks.

"is everything okay?" hope says, seeing as hermione looked pretty distressed.

hermione wore a pink, v-line dress with a cute gold necklace, and heels.

"what happened to you?" harry asks.

"no, i've just escaped, i mean...i left cormac under the mistletoe."hermione says, fiddling with her hands.

"cormac?!" harry says, bewildered,"that's who you invited?"

"i thought it would annoy ron the most." hermione says, crossing her arms,"hes got more tentacles than a snarfelow plant."

"dragon tart?" a waiter asks, slipping in the curtains, with a tray.

"no thank you." hermione and hope mutter.

"just as well, they give one horribly bad breath."

"on second thought, it might keep cormac at bay." hermione says.

hermione gags for a minute before composing herself,"oh, god, here he comes." she says, slipping out of the curtain.

"i think she just went to powder her nose." harry says, looking to hope, silently asking if what he said was a good excuse, to which she nods at.

"slippery little minx, your friend, isn't she." cormac says, "likes to work her mouth doesn't she. yeah." cormac says, eating a dragon tart.

"what is this i'm eating, by the way?" cormac asks.

"dragon balls." harry says, making hope silently snigger."

all of a sudden, snape opens the curtains, eyeing the 3. he doesn't get the chance to say anything because mclaggen barfs on his shoes.

"you've just bought yourself a months worth detention mclaggen, not so quick potter." snape says, once he sees hope and harry try to slip out of the curtains.

"sir, i really think i should return the party, my date—"

"—can surely survive your absence for another minute or two." snape says, eyeing hope.

with an eye roll, hope walks away from the two.

she indulges herself in a conversation with neville about plants, when a commotion starts.

the door opens, and malfoy walks in with filch.

"get your hands off of me, you filthy squib." malfoy says, grunting in the process.

"professor slughorn, sir, i've just discovered this boy, lurking in an upstairs corridor, he claims to have been invited to your party." filch says, with raised eyebrows.

"okay,'okay! i was gatecrashing. happy?!" malfoy says.

"i'll escort him out." snape says, slowly.

"certainly, professor." draco says, after filch let's go of him.

"alright, everyone, carry on, carry on!" slughorn says.

hope scans her eyes around the room for harry, but doesn't spot him. she assumes he's stalking snape and malfoy, and rolls her eyes at his determination.

(a/n): i don't have subtitles on, so if i get any words wrong, i'm sorry:))))

-766 words

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