Chapter 28

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The atmosphere in the house was much different after the loss of baby Lupin. Everyone was walking on eggshells around the two, afraid that the smallest things might set them off, this though just made both more angry. Hedy and Remus both really, really disliked people worrying about them so to have them be the center of everyone's minds was quite infuriating. Remus was better about holding in his feelings but Hedy would blow up often, no one blamed her though. In fact her siblings were quite proud of her because it meant that she still had her emotions on, surprising because this has to be the most emotionally painful thing she's gone through. Hedy did want to, she really hated how she felt but Remus didn't have the same option and she thought it would be cruel to make him suffer while she wouldn't have to.

Months passed, Remus and Hedy mourned together but because they stuck together it was easier for them to get through it, especially with the others there to support them. Now it was the last day of April and the group was the closest to normal they had been since that day in December. They were back to waiting around, waiting to see who would be the next to fall. They still had no idea where Harry was, it had been nine months and all they had to go on was that he wasn't dead, this gave them some hope but not a lot. It wasn't until the next night that their radio went off.

"Lightning has stuck! I repeat, lightning has struck!" Sirius was the one sitting by it so he shot up and ran to James and Lily.

"Prongs! Harry! We gotta!" It was probably the most incoherent thing but James knew exactly what his best friend was saying, and so they rounded everyone in the house, telling them the time had come.

When they arrived at the school they waited for the right time, waited for Harry to make his move, and when he did they were there, ready. Getting Harry back was a victory in itself but it didn't last long, the Death Eaters were well aware of his return, which meant they were coming. The final battle was finally here, but they had to buy as much time as they could so currently the adults were setting up a shield around the school, but it was slow.

"Amateurs." Hedy groaned out before pushing her way forward, she kneeled down and pushed her arms out, then a ring of blue fire surrounded the school she stood and raised her arms and the flames rose with her, encircling the school before they connected then all that remained was an invisible globe around them. "That should give Harry enough time, as long as he knows what he's doing." The others nodded at her, she then joined Remus in one of the towers, but Ajax and Acacia stopped her.

"Something is going to happen isn't it?" She looked at her brother who just nodded.

"Let me do something to help." He offered and she nodded, and so he grabbed her hand in his and Acacia's in the other, he filled them with light and then it was gone.

"What was that for?" Hedy asked, not feeling any different.

"Your future, now go to fight, I'll see you after." And so she did.

Her shield worked for a while, but with all the Death Eaters magic verse just her own it wasn't strong enough to keep them out forever. And so the battle commenced, Death Eaters stormed the school killing anyone and anything that wasn't with them. The Order was giving them a good fight, but they were definitely outnumbered so it got hard to keep up. Hedy stayed close to Remus, she wasn't planning on letting him go. Eventually she caught sight of someone in all black aiming towards him she ran to him and they were immediately consumed in blue fire.

When he emerged from the blue flames, Remus immediately knew something was wrong, he looked down and it clicked. Hedy had taken a hit just as she had moved to transport them. He was so consumed with grief for his now dead wife he didn't even notice someone creeping behind him but someone else did. Suddenly, he and Hedy were swarmed by yellow smoke, and swirled into the Great Hall.

"I made a promise." Ajax looked down at Hedy, "You're not dying today." He said looking straight at Remus, and with that he went back up in smoke to rejoin the fight. It wasn't long after he left that Voldemort announced that he was pulling his troops, leaving Remus in peace to grieve his wife. The rest of the Order and Hogwarts all convened in the Great Hall to mourn the dead. Remus knew Hedy wasn't the only one that was going to die but it seemed the universe was against the Gods that day. Zared, Acacia and Adonis entered the hall together, when they saw Hedy laying on the ground they all stopped and Zared basically choked on air.

"Zee? You know you'll see her again, right?" Adonis looked at his brother confused, Gods couldn't die unless killed by another God so why was he upset, but their human forms could.

"Shut up! You can't say that!" Zared hissed at his brother lowly so the surrounding people wouldn't hear them.


"Because thinking someone is dead is easier than knowing they're alive but never being able to see them, Doni." Acacia said sadly.

"So, as far as anyone is concerned, Hedy is dead, okay?" Zared asked his brother who just nodded in response. They walked towards Remus and Adonis kneeled beside his 'twin'. It was then that Sirius entered dragging a body with him, when Acacia looked up she gasped.

"I'm sorry, he jumped in front, he said Adonis had suffered enough." Sirius grunted as he laid Ajax next to his sister, he didn't understand how Adonis had suffered at the time but seeing Hedy, he knew. Sirius looked up to Acacia, "He told me to tell you that it's up to you now and he's sorry." She just nodded, none of the others knew what he was talking about but she did.

If that wasn't enough for the siblings to suffer from, they were still missing one. But someone knew where she was. Fred Weasley ran up to Zared frantically, tears spilling out of his eyes.

"She pushed me out of the way! I'm so, so sorry, I didn't mean for her to die." Zared's face dropped, Acacia dropped onto the ground between her two siblings and Adonis just looked over at Fred shaking his head.

"It's okay." Adonis told the boy.

"Where- uh- where is she?" Zared asked and looked to where pointed before walking over there and carrying her to lay with her siblings. The three that were still alive just sat, silently, with their three dead siblings, none of them moved or hugged or anything, they just sat there.

Harry ended up going to meet Voldemort in the forest and give himself up, and when the Dark Lord came to announce it, the three got up with everyone else. They had to finish this, their siblings didn't leave this world for nothing, and so they did. Harry vanquished the Dark Lord and all was right with the world again.

The three siblings and the Marauders went back to the mansion, Harry and the Weasley's joining them as well. Acacia now had something to tell the group, and it was a bomb of information.

"Okay, before you all celebrate or whatever. There is something you need to know, Remus. Well really all of you but mainly Remus." They all looked at her confused, even her two brothers didn't know what she was about to say. "As you know, Ajax was a prophet and a healer." The group nodded, "A few weeks before the battle he found out some shocking news about Hedy."

"What?" Remus asked her, he didn't know of any news.

"I'm getting there. Anyways, before the battle he knew that something was going to happen to Hedy, he didn't know exactly what but it wasn't good, and because I can read his mind I also knew. We couldn't save her, we already knew that but we saved her future." Acacia smiled and Adonis gasped at the news, causing everyone to look at him and Zared who were both sporting matching smiles.

"What? I don't understand." Remus said, looking at the three.

"Yeah, I'm also lost." Sirius added. Acacia rolled her eyes but continued.

"Hedy was pregnant before going into the battle." Remus's eyes grew wide in shock. "And Ajax saved her baby. Your baby." Acacia said looking at Remus.

"But she's dead, how is that possible?" Lily asked her.

"Because Ajax knew something would happen, he took Hedy and transferred her baby into someone else to keep them safe." Acacia explained to which the group just looked at her all stunned.

"Who?" James asked.

"Me." Acacia answered.

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