Chapter 4

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The boys were crazy nervous the following morning, they were really worried about their new friends, well they didn't exactly know if they were friends or not but to them they were. The second they were all up, which was earlier than ever before but still not super early because it was a hassle trying to get Sirius and Peter to wake up, they left to the Great Hall wanting to see if the siblings were there. Since they were so early they assumed they would be some of the only people there and would be able to see when the siblings showed up.

Entering the eating hall, the boys were met with a surprising sight, at least to them. There, sitting at the Ravenclaw table was none other than Hedy Jones. This was surprising for two reasons; one it was odd to see her at the Ravenclaw table at any meal other than dinner, and two it was the first time the boys had seen her without Ajax.

"Should we go over there?" James whispered to the boys. Remus, who had still been looking at the girl, snapped his head to James.

"Are you crazy! She doesn't like us!" Remus hissed, the boys just nodded and walked to the Gryffindor table deciding to wait for the others before sitting with them. Well all except one, Sirius walked straight to the Ravenclaw table despite James and Remus trying to coax him back. Upon arrival, he sat directly across from the girl, folded his hands together and used them to hold his head up, just looking at her. It surprised him that she didn't even look up to see who had sat across from him, so he decided to take things a step further. His friends just watched all extremely concerned about what would happen.

"Hi! I'm Sirius!" He did not receive the response he was hoping for or expecting, instead of the girl looking up and becoming flustered that the school's play boy was talking to her, she just continued eating, using the hand that wasn't busy scooping up cereal to throw a peace sign his way. He just stared in shock, he had never received such a nonchalant response from someone before, even guys were more eager to talk to him. He frowned, why didn't she want to even have a light conversation? Before things could get any weirder or worse, Adonis walked in, he saw three fourths of the Marauders eyeing across the room warily and decided to find what they were concerned about. Upon realizing that Sirius was alone with Hedy, he rushed over to them.

"Uh, hey Sirius" he said a little awkwardly, Sirius looked up and Adonis could see relief wash over him. "What - uh" he looked between the two, "what are you doing here?"

"Oh um I don't know really, just thought I'd come have a chat with Hedy I guess."

"Well, that's uh cool... I think. Why don't we just go to our usual spot hmm? Don't need to disrupt the Ravenclaws anymore than we already have right?" He laughed trying to diffuse the tension. Sirius just nodded and got up, expecting the girl to do the same but she didn't, she just continued to eat as if no one was with her. Seeing that Adonis and Sirius were laughing and talking at the Hufflepuff table, the other boys decided to join in. At the same time, Zared and Phoenix joined the table. For the first time, Ajax was the last to enter with Acacia, when they walked in they both noticed Hedy was missing and turned to see her at her house table. Acacia just nodded at Ajax, no words were exchanged and yet it was like they had a whole conversation. Ajax went to join his siblings and their Gryffindor companions while Acacia headed to the table adorned in blue.

"So are you guys going to the Hallows Eve Party tonight?" Remus asked the table.

"Gryffindor is in charge this year, which means it's going to be epic!" James added on in excitement.

"Well it's my house so obviously, and Phoenix and Adonis never miss a good party" Zared responded.

"Oh for sure, as long as there's liquor I'm all in!" Phoenix responded.

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