Chapter 7

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November quickly turned into December, life seemed to continue on as usual for all. For all except one, Remus. Remus had tried to talk to Hedy almost everyday since the so-called 'Freaky Friday', but to no avail. Okay there was a little change, mainly she didn't leave so soon after he arrived anymore, she would actually stay seated in the library when he took a seat at her table, but that was it. He would try talking but she didn't respond, honestly she didn't even really acknowledge that he was there. This was very disheartening for Remus, why didn't this girl even give him a chance, but then he thought maybe it was for the best seeing as he was a werewolf he could hurt her.

The Marauders didn't like seeing Remus so down, and they especially didn't like that he was now questioning himself because of his furry little problem. They needed a solution and they needed one now. Sirius had, again, tried to get Adonis to help but he just kept telling them that there was nothing he could do, they didn't believe him, but Sirius didn't push it because he was avoiding a fight. Then one morning, James saw their chance.

"What do you mean you're staying here for the holidays? Don't you guys want to go home for Christmas?" Peter asked.

"No point, we don't celebrate." Acacia said bluntly, the boys still weren't used to it.

"Wait, you guys don't have Christmas?" Sirius asked looking to Adonis who just shook his head, this was surprising to them as they had never met someone who didn't celebrate.

"You guys literally don't do anything for the holidays? Why not?" Remus asked.

"Christmas is a christian holiday." Ajax said to which the boys nodded because, hello they already knew that. Acacia rolled her eyes at their obliviousness.

"We are not christian" Phoenix explained, now the boys understood. James thought this gave them the perfect opportunity to fix Remus and Hedy.

"Why don't you come to my place? The boys are coming!" James offered.

"It's not about not having somewhere to go, it's the fact that we don't celebrate so there's no point in going." Acacia said, trying to refuse the offer, they just met these people this year.

"So that's a no?" James asked slightly disappointed, he really thought this would have worked. No one responded, the five siblings that were actually part of the discussion looked at eachother, then all turned to the girl eating in peace.

"I don't care" was all she said. The boys were so confused, how had she known they were looking at her nobody had said anything. Plus did that mean yes or no? Zared nodded, Acacia rolled her eyes before resting her head against her fingers in annoyance.

"We'll go" Adonis said smiling, this caused all of the boys to grow smiles from ear to ear.


The boys were overcome with excitement on the train, they were a little sad that the Jones' didn't join them in their compartment and instead chose to sit by themselves, but they were going to spend two whole weeks with them so it was fine. When they exited the train, Fleamont and Euphamia showered the boys with hugs.

"Where are your friends?" Euphamia asked while looking around the platform.

"Oh they should be comin-" James was cut off by the sound of a very unpleasant sound.

"Hey! Watch it you fifthly half-blood!" The voice that screeched caused Sirius to turn abruptly. There in the middle of the platform were the six Jones' however Ajax had been stopped by none other than Regulus. Hedy and Acacia had been behind Ajax while the others were ahead, they were unfazed. They continued walking pushing Ajax forward, but as Hedy reached Regulus she swiftly rammed her fist into his face then as if nothing happened walked on with the rest of her siblings. The Marauders and Mr. and Mrs.Potter were taken aback at her lack of caring. Did she not know who that was? Sirius snickered but quickly stopped as he watched his former parents come up to their son and also stopping Hedy by gripping her wrist.

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