Chapter 1

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Looking at them, you wouldn't think they were siblings. None of them looked alike nor did any act alike, the only way they were linked, it seemed, is by their last name. The six Jones children were an anomaly, each in their own respective right and as a whole.

The eldest child is a boy, Zared Jones. He is a proud Gryffindor, he fits the bill, he is outspoken, never let anyone get under his skin and if he did he didn't let it show. He isn't the most handsome of the bunch, but he is nowhere near ugly. He is tall, must have stood about six foot one, with beautiful auburn hair, it looked a gorgeous golden red in the light, and light brown eyes. But it doesn't end there, he is fit, with toned muscles head to toe, and he dressed to impress, always wearing button downs, with the first several buttons udon showing off his chest, or not done at all with a plain t-shirt underneath. He is always seen in dark jeans and nice shoes. He waved and smiled at almost everyone he passed, mainly because he knew all of them and they, of course, knew him.

The next in line is the eldest daughter, Phoenix Jones isn't as tall as her brother, standing at five foot six, but the differences don't stop there. She is blessed with gorgeous blue eyes and black hair with navy blue streaks running through it. She is more edgy, always dressed with fishnets underneath whatever bottoms she chose, whether it is a skirt, shorts, or ripped jeans. She paired it with loose shirts, usually adorning some graphic design and some pair of white sneakers. It is a surprise to most when she was sorted into Slytherin, not to her or her brother though, people expect siblings to be similar but to have one in the rivaling houses was a surprise to most.

Then there is the first set of twins, Adonis and Hedy. Adonis is insanely handsome, his dark hair is long enough to be split in the middle but it didn't reach below his ears, and had sparkling deep brown eyes. He stood at about five foot ten, with a well-taken care of body, he looked as if he is a beater in quidditch with his muscles but didn't play. He's always dressed in ripped jeans with crew neck sweatshirts over collared shirts, adorned with chains around his neck and sneakers on his feet. His twin is probably the biggest oddball in their family, and that's saying something. Hedy had bright green eyes and silvery grey hair that fell past her shoulders but isn't too long, she isn't short but isn't tall either, about five foot seven. She dressed like a mix of her twin and older sister but with her own spin. She would wear baggy ripped jeans or cargo pants with many tops: sweatshirts, t-shirts, crops, etc. The thing that is most notable about her appearance is that other than her eyes there is not a speck of a bright color, not even white. The school was shocked once again by the Jones family when the twins were sorted because not only were they separated from each other but also their older siblings, Adonis was sorted into Hufflepuff and Hedy joined Ravenclaw.

Lastly came the second pair of twins, Acacia and Ajax, going into their fourth year. Acacia saved Zared from looking like a tower over the rest as she is only an inch shorter than him. She had milk chocolate brown hair that flowed down to her elbows with matching eyes. She dressed quite differently than her siblings, always wearing either a mid-thigh length dress with a long sleeve underneath, or a skirt with a long sleeve top, matching it with knee-high socks and doc marten boots or white sneakers. Ajax had short curly golden locks and hazel eyes, standing at five foot eight. He is always seen in plain t-shirts, sweaters if it's cold, tucked into his dark pants fastened with a belt, and nice shoes. He also is never missing his dashing smile that he would flash everyone with.These twins weren't able to shock the school the same way as their other siblings because there were no more houses. What shocked all except the Jones family was the houses in which they were sorted into. Looking at the twins one would assume that both were either Gryffindor or Hufflepuff, instead the happily dressed girl was sorted into Slytherin and the boy into Ravenclaw.

The odd mix of looks in the family isn't the only thing that made the family stand out. For one, the children were never seen with any parents, not even when the first one was eleven and going to school for the first time, which he did all by his lonesome. But what made the children even more peculiar to the school, students and teachers alike is the fact that they had this mysterious atmosphere around them. The group were always with each other, or by themselves, even though Zared and Adonis were quite popular and Phoenix and Ajax seemed quite approachable, none had any close friends. At meals they would sit with each other, just the six of them, at the end of the Hufflepuff table, because they were the least judgy house, except for at dinner where they were forced to sit at their own tables. In this instance, Zared and Adonis surrounded themselves with the housemates but didn't talk all too much; Hedy would only talk to Ajax, if that, and Acacia and Phoenix sat together on their own. But there is a reason for this, well actually several reasons, the six were sitting on a secret, or secrets.

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