Chapter 20

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"Whoa! Ajax! Hey!" Phoenix rushed over to her younger brother, grabbing his shoulders to calm him, "Words, darling." Ajax took a deep breath in and then nodded.

"We went to the house, you know? But we were, like, thrown back away from it, like we couldn't even get within a hundred feet. But Hedy, she must be in there 'cause she wasn't out." He basically shot out of his mouth, it was quite hard to understand but they got it.

"Are we sure something is wrong? Maybe it was just an accident or -" James tried to reassure the three siblings, especially Ajax who was incredibly worried.

"Well I don't plan on taking that chance when it's my sister! If it were Sirius or Lily you would basically run into fire!" Ajax retorted, he was getting ancy. James just nodded in agreement, he knew he was right. So the three gods snapped their fingers but instead of landing firmly like they had before, they were shot away, landing hard on the ground. The three siblings shot up and ran towards their other two siblings, the others were still groaning on the ground.

"What's happening?" Zared was looking at Adonis who was holding Acacia up as if she couldn't herself.

"Acacia is tapping into Hedy's mind, trying to see what's happening." The rest of the group had arrived by now all looking at them for a plan of action.

"Cia, can you talk out loud so we can know what's happening?" She simply nodded, not answering, if you looked in her eyes you could see there were fully white.

"There's someone there."

"Can you hear what they're saying?" Acacia nodded and continued to relay what was happening to the group through the eyes of Hedy.


Suddenly, the door was bashed open and two figures dressed in all black waltzed in like they owned the place. Hedy was just sitting on a stool by the kitchen counter, waiting for them to come to her.

"Why, hello little Hedy!" Bellatrix spoke as if talking to a child.

"Bellatrix..." Hedy turned to be faced with two people "and friend, to what do I owe the pleasure?" The other was a man, he was quite hairy and had piercing blue eyes along with a rack of nasty looking teeth. Fenrir Greyback. He walked away from the two, looking through the house.

"Let's make this easy, shall we? Where are they?" Bellatrix asked. Hedy feigned a confused face.


"Tsk, tsk, tsk." Bellatrix chuckled, "I thought I said to make this easy." She shot a silent spell at Hedy who then fell on the ground, slowly she started groaning in pain. Bellatrix cackled, "It's quite a fun spell, breaks your bones then snaps them back over and over again! So, I'll ask again. Where. Are. They?"

"Wh-who?" She gritted her teeth. "My siblings? Why do you want them?"

"They're helping that stupid boy! Where are they!?" Bella intensified the spell, making it work faster, Hedy groaned out.

"I don't kn-know. They -" Hedy groaned between, trying to take in air. "They aren't here."

"You expect me to believe they just left you?"

"Why not? What did people say back at school?" She tried to laugh sarcastically, but the pain made it sound more like coughing. "That I was holding them back? I was dead-weight?" Hedy gasped out, her eyes and teeth clenched trying to hold in the pain. "Guess they finally listened." Bellatrix just laughed at her, but before she could add anymore to the torture, Greyback interrupted.

"They're not here, haven't been for a while it seems." Bellatrix looked up and sighed in disappointment. Instead of ending the torture, she turned to the young woman withering on the floor, bones so broken she didn't even look like a person.

"If I find out you're helping that filthy half-blood you'll regret it." She hissed at her, then stopped the spell, leaving the girl broken on the floor. Before the two apparated away, Hedy spoke up.

"I don't care who wins the war." She groaned. Bellatrix chuckled before turning to face the girl again.

"You will." And with that the two were gone. Hedy groaned out, she couldn't move; she was so broken.

"Acacia. Get out of my head, you won't want to watch this."


The group were all staring at Acacia, sure they hadn't been able to see what happened but even just to hear it was horrible. To hear Hedy being tortured and not be able to even do anything was really starting to piss off the group.

"What? Why? What are you going to do?" Acacia asked aloud, but they all knew she was talking to her sister.

"Snap my bones back." Hedy responded in a tone saying 'isn't it obvious'.

"No, just - just let us in. Let AJ heal you." But she ignored them.

"Okay, on three yeah?" It seemed as if Hedy was talking to herself, but how could she snap her own bones back?


Hedy was talking to the dead, she couldn't move but she had to be put back in place. "Three." She breathed out, "Two. One." And like that the dead that were around her, moved her thigh back into place with her hip, "Mmm. Okay," she breathed out again, "Three. Two. One." And again. And again. And again.

It was hard for the group to hear, they had to hear Acacia mimic the groans coming from Hedy, but she wasn't in pain so they could only imagine how Hedy was actually faring. But in her head it wasn't the pain that was bothering her, she was used to pain now.

Hedy really, really didn't like to lose, like at all. She hated feeling like she had failed or she wasn't good enough or that she could have done better. So, she was extremely pissed off that she couldn't fight back against Bellatrix, especially because it wasn't because she wasn't capable, she most definitely was. The second she was able to move, she started pacing, she was pissed off. Not only had she had to fight her siblings because they were being dumb, but she was then tortured for protecting people she couldn't care less about. She couldn't calm down, even with Acacia in her mind trying to sway her thoughts.

"AAAAARRRRGGGGG!" Hedy finally snapped, she erupted in blue flames. The blue flames covered the house, and flew out so far that it actually broke the boundary keeping out her siblings and their friends.

By the time they had run into the house she was back to normal, just sitting there like nothing had happened.

"What was that!?" James was astonished by her capabilities, because they of course didn't know what each was able to do. Hedy turned to see all of their faces looking at her wide-eyed, Ajax started slowly making his way over to her in concern with his hands stretched out.

"I'm fine." She slapped his hands away. "I'm always fine." 

Hiding {Marauders AU}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin