Chapter 19

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"Finally!" A man exclaimed as the group reached the kitchen. Turning in the three boys led the group and were stopped in shock causing the rest of the group to bump into each other.

"What? Who is it?" Lily asked them.

"The Jones'" James almost whispered.

"Huh? That can't be -" Lily stopped mid sentence as she walked around her husband and friends to come face to face with six familiar faces, of course they had aged some. The rest of the group filed in, of course the kids had no idea who these people were so they just looked to the Marauders.

"Um, dad? Who are they?"

"They - uh are-" Zared just laughed as James was too stunned to answer.

"We're old friends of your dads!" Acacia just scoffed at this.

"Okay, so um what are you doing here?" Harry asked, eyeing the group. There was Zared standing up by the end of the table, Phoenix was sitting up on the counter, Hedy was sitting at the table with her legs up on it, Ajax was standing behind her arms leaning on her chair. Then there was Adonis standing near Ajax and Acacia leaning against the wall covered in shadows.

"Saving your sorry asses." Hedy mumbled.

"I'm sorry? Our sorry asses?" Harry asked stunned someone would call him and his family that.

"Are you not? Let's see shall we?" Hedy looked up at the group, looking over them, "hmm, who should we start with? Ah how 'bout the Potters?" She smirked, landing on James and Lily. "For starters, you spent your years denying James and yet somehow he was your first real boyfriend, way to go. You trusted a rat, I mean an actual rat, as your secret keeper. The only way it could have been more obvious he was a traitor if he was a snake. Now, Sirius, instead of using your brain you ran after the person you knew was a traitor, which only resulted in you being framed as a mass murderer. Then it took you twelve years to transform into your animagus and escape the dementors, a task you have been doing since you were fourteen. And Remus, not only did you think Sirius had actually killed those people, but when you found out the truth you actually went after him to get the real killer. Then, you both caught the guy who ruined your lives, but you lost him because you somehow forgot it was a full moon even though you've dealt with it since you were four." She then turned her head to face the kids before continuing. "Now onto the kids, this is easier because you haven't been alive long enough to live up to the idocies of your parents. Let's start with your brilliant secret society, what did you call it again? Oh right, Dumbledore's Army, you're students, of course you were going to be found out why would you name it something so obvious? It's called the Order of the Phoenix not We kill Death Eaters, and if you really wanted to use a name how about the codenames you father is so fond of? Then, instead of asking McGonagall or your parents to teach you spells you turned to Harry who has actually only used two spells in action 'expelliarmus' and "expecto patronum', like what is he going to teach you? Then you actually went to the ministry to save your parents from Death Eaters, how could you have possibly thought that you guys could take on the Dark Arts if you've never had a proper teacher? Like, seriously where are all of your brains? Don't try and tell me you're not sorry asses who need help." The group just looked at her stunned, Acacia was chuckling in the background. No one said anything for a few minutes, all just completely in shock. Finally, Lily broke the silence.

"Wait, how could you have known all of that? You left in the middle of our sixth year."

"Ah finally, someone's brain is working." Hedy said dryly.

"Well, since we know your secrets maybe it's time you know ours?" Zared said, and all heads turned to him except Hedy and Acacia who were too unbothered to care. The Marauders just nodded, they were now as curious as ever.

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