Chapter 25

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Time seemed to move by quickly after that night but, things were not as happily-ever-after as one would think. Okay, it was a time of war so how great could their lives really be at the time but still for as happy as they could have been, there were two in the house that weren't. The rest didn't understand it, why couldn't they just finally accept their happiness?

Here's the thing Remus wanted to, he wanted to take Hedy in his arms and never let her go. In his head, there was nothing holding them back anymore. He thought they were the perfect pair because each of them suffered, it was different but similar enough that they understood the other person probably better than anyone else ever would. To him it was surprising to find someone who suffers more than he does, so all the doubts he had ever had were no longer acceptable excuses. He loved Hedy and he just wanted to show her that, by being with her. But that's the thing about love, if you love someone you want them to be happy.

It wasn't that Hedy didn't want to be with Remus, because she most certainly did, she just wasn't ready yet. She had just gotten her feeling back, it's a big change to go from being numb to being able to feel and express everything. She wasn't used to it yet, she didn't want to say or do the wrong thing, honestly, she was afraid that after not having emotions for so long she wouldn't be able to control them. She was also subjected to the pain of feeling every time someone died, and with them being in war it was more than normal, which seems impossible because someone dies literally every second. She knew that last time the pain made her isolate herself and become sad and depressed because that's what it felt like, she didn't want Remus to have to suffer with her because of that.

The others in the house were really quite confused because they didn't know why Hedy was trying to keep Remus away, didn't she turn on her emotions because of him? Ajax, especially, was annoyed because in his mind he risked losing his sister just for her to feel and now she was avoiding it. No matter who tried, no one could talk sense into Hedy all she would say was the same thing, 'I just need time to adjust'. What everyone wanted to know was how much time? The thing was Hedy also wanted the answer.

Now it was June, two months later, and still they weren't together. Everyone had basically given up on them and moved on to focus on themselves and the war. It was a calm day on the day of June 30, 1997, but this was war so the calm never lasted.

"Guys! We gotta go to Hogwarts! Death Eaters have infiltrated!" James shouted through the house. Everyone shot up, no one ever thought they would be that bold, but then again it was Voldemort and his trusty sidekick Bellatrix, if they weren't bold they were nothing.

The castle was in chaos, teachers and students were trying to get the students to safety whilst others helped the Aurors and Order in fighting off the Death Eaters. Immediately the group split, fighting whoever they could find. It was Hedy who ended up finding Fenrir Greyback mauling a red-head.

"Stupefy!" She fired out and hit him square in the side sending him away from the poor man. Greyback was quick to get up, he fired shots at her but she blocked them easily, eventually it became a tedious game of back and forth, but neither was letting up.

"Fenrir! Let's Go! We got what we came for!" Bellatrix's voice boomed through the hall, and just like that he was gone, probably to go cause mayhem somewhere else, but Hedy didn't care. Now all she was focused on was getting this dude to Ajax.

"Okay, let's do this." She breathed out as she kneeled down to grab him and pull him up. She groaned a little but finally got it, she thought about levitating him but if she were to be caught in crossfire they wouldn't have any protection. With this in mind she sat down and pulled his arms over her shoulders and legs over her hips, she then stood and he was perfectly placed on his back. He wasn't exactly light, and she was still in her human form so her strength wasn't crazy which meant she could carry him but probably not for far too long, so she just hoped this was a quick trip. The good news was that in this little adventure to find her brother, she did not run into any more death eaters, guess they really did what they came for. Eventually she reached the doors to the hospital wing.

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