Chapter 18

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It is now June 18, 1996. How did it get to this?

Harry James Potter became known as the boy who lived, he sported a lightning bolt on his forehead as a reminder. Honestly, he suffered quite a bit. His first year he was attacked by his Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, who was apparently harboring the lord on his head. His second year he saved his best friend's sister from a fiction of the lord from school in this place called the Chamber of Secrets, he fought a freaking Basilisk.

His third year was quite interesting, mass murderer Sirius Black escaped Azkaban and was after Harry. His parents were quite nervous, they still didn't know how Sirius had turned on them, but they felt better knowing Remus was the new teacher. Turns out, Peter wasn't dead and was actually Ron's rat, which was why Sirius was in the castle. Long story short, Remus and Sirius were reunited, they captured Peter but then lost him because Remus ended up transforming into a werewolf at the worst moment. Harry saved Sirius from dementors, twice that night.

His fourth year was no less exciting than the previous one. Harry had almost been killed at the Quidditch World Cup, but that's nothing new. Then at school, he is somehow entered into this insanely dangerous tournament. He fights a dragon and almost dies, he saves Ron from merpeople and almost dies, and then he is sent to this graveyard where Voldemort comes back to life and almost dies. Then during the summer he is forced into hiding with his cousins where he is attacked by a dementor, and almost expelled if not for Dumbledore. He then joins his parents and the rest of the Order and Sirius's new hideout, 12 Grimmauld Place.

Now, his fifth year is a little less exciting but not significantly, thank goodness, what would he do if he wasn't almost dying every year of his life. The ministry was invading Hogwarts, their new 'High Inquisitor' was hell bent on making Harry look like the bad guy. She was basically torturing students in detention, which Harry had almost every week. They also were prohibited for performing spells, which made absolutely no sense and infuriated Hermione. She actually got so infuriated that she was willing to break rules, she came up with a plan. He watched Ron's father get attacked by a snake in his dreams, leading him to have occlumency lessons with Snape, where he ended up insulting him so the lessons stopped. They created a secret society, like his parents, known as Dumbledore's Army, where Harry would teach them what it was like to be out there in the real world. Of course, they were found out which meant that Dumbledore was forced into hiding or going to jail. A bunch of Death Eaters, including Sirius's deranged cousin, escaped Azkaban just adding more fuel to the fire. That's not the end, during his exams he got a vision that his father and Sirius were being tortured for information. Of course, Harry being the hero he is had to go and save him, which also meant that his friends and 'army' were joining too.

Upon arrival, the kids soon realized they had been lured into a trap. Neither Sirius nor James were being tortured for information. They did however, find a prophecy, the prophecy that was about Harry, it was then they were ambushed by Death Eaters, they tried to outrun them but it didn't exactly work. The kids were cornered, that was until white smoke filled the room and suddenly the Order was there, with James by Harry's side.

"Get away from my son," and he punched Lucius square in the face. And so the battle commences, shots fired all over the place. It was only when Bellatrix sent a shot to Sirius sending him backwards into the veil, though raspberry red smoke seemed to come out of nowhere and shove him aside. The room was then being swirled with colors, teal, grey, blue, yellow, and green joined the red rounding in on the Death Eaters while Harry ran after Bellatrix. The smoke was gone, so were the Death Eaters, Harry was laying on the floor trying to fight Voldemort out of his mind, eventually succeeding.

The group headed home, well to Grimmauld Place, and so they did. It was just another day in the life of the boy who lived. Honestly, almost dying was nothing new, sure he wished it was easier but it was never going to happen. Entering the house was odd, the lights were on, fire going, there was actual noise.

"Get your wands" Sirius whispered, as he pointed his in front of him.

"Who's here?" James asked, looking around trying to spot someone, anyone. Then someone laughed, and it was almost familiar to the three Marauders.

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