09 : 𝖦𝖾𝗍 𝖶𝖾𝗅𝗅 𝖲𝗈𝗈𝗇

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Night 39.

They've been staying in the laboratory for quite a long while now. Meaning, the group had already adapted to the advanced and strategic changes highly comparable from how they managed to get by at school.

All thanks to Irene and Felix who had both loosened up their grudges, Y/N and her friends were able to help around. She and the girls tend the crops, assist in the chores, and volunteer minor works in the research hall. The boys, well, they move things around and pretty much do the same tasks as the girls. Taehyun though had a special place with Mr. Jung. Being the smartest, he was offered to actually help upon formulating solutions for the cure. Thus, he'd spend most of his time in the main lab.

"Who's harvesting the vegetables at 5?" Soobin asked as they cleaned their room.

Kai tossed down his mattress to the floor. Hyunjin came with a broom and started beating the foam violently until all dust came out.

"I'll do it." Seulgi raised a hand. "Soobin, you can bake a few breads for dinner. I think there's still enough flour for four loaves."

"Fine. Felix, I need you to help me."

"Sure, mate."

"Can I too?" Hyunjin raised a hand.

"Sure, I guess."

"Me and Kai will stay here." Y/N announced, folding all the blankets. "We'll just finish cleaning the room."

"Good. I'll be out to assist in the infirmary." Irene strutted herself to the exit.

"Go on," Kai beamed at everyone. "We'll be fine here."

The other four hesitantly left. Kai and Y/N were left fixing the beddings and moving a few bunk beds to the side. They didn't speak to each other. Despite of being close friends, there was just this awkward atmosphere building up between them. It was as if it wasn't the right time to discuss nonsense especially with the fact that they're in the middle of a crisis.

"Um.." Y/N gulped, sitting on the floor. "Can you pass me the covers, please.."

Kai threw the item to her without a word. He didn't even look her way, even if he does, he'd shyly avoid her gaze. Y/N couldn't bear the discomfort.

"So, what are you doing tonight?" She asked.

"Tonight?" Kai chirped, paying her a quick glance. "Err.. Nothing, I guess."

"You're not going to the rooftop? The scientists say it's going to be a clear sky."

He shook his head and forced a smile. His tall figure collapsed to his own bed in exhaustion. Y/N just eyed him plainly.

"I'm too lazy." Kai sighed deeply. "Besides.. We've been to the rooftop last night. It's no big deal if I miss one tonight."

Ah, yes. Irene and Felix did give them quite a lot of tours at the roof top where they could all belt their stress out by glancing up at the night sky. Provided with telescopes, they fancied observing stars and nearby satellites as they pick up radio frequencies from the passing astronauts. Since the outbreak, nations were plunged into a horrible population decrease. It wasn't just Korea. The rest of the world suffered with them. And now, they united to salvage solutions and ways to survive the apocalypse.

2020 | 𝖳𝖷𝖳 Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin