05 : 𝖧𝗎𝗇𝗍

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Night 7.

A week has passed since the outbreak. It's been five nights after they have found their teacher and the laboratory. Five nights since they lost Irene and Felix. Soobin, Yeonjun, Seulgi, Beomgyu, and Y/N were now ready to go outside to fulfill their risky duty; to hunt down a zombie. Mr. Jung had finally completed his routine with the solution and it was good to be tested. So at that very midnight, the team prepared to exit the building, clad with the essentials to defend themselves.

"Just know that if I don't make it back, I have cleared my browser history." Yeonjun said. "You all can't pull anything from me."

"Noona," Taehyun hugged Seulgi. "Be safe, okay?"

"Will do, buddy."

"Remember not to hesitate to run back if you're in danger." Mr. Jung said.

Soobin scoffed. "What are you expecting us to do? Stay?"

"Come on." Y/N urged.

The five of them boldly walked out of the lab with Kai closing the door afterwards. They could've just used a vent leading outside but they'd still end up facing the same target. So why not get themselves used to the dangerous feeling instead?

Seulgi led the way, her own baseball bat resting in her shoulders as she strutted. Soobin was right behind her, stiff as a rock; though his eyes dully hovered around. Beomgyu and Y/N sticked together. Beomgyu was carrying Y/N's bat even though she didn't ask him to do so. He even held a firm grip around her shoulder. Behind them was Yeonjun, looking rather agitated for no good reason. He was swinging his bat on the side, wet tongue maliciously sliding between his plump lips.

"Anyone got the rope?" Beomgyu asked.

"Right here." Seulgi raised a good length. "Who's strangling the zombie? Clearly not me. Soobin catch."

The tall lad caught it. "Why me?"

"Why not you?" She shrugged.

"Why can't that old shit just get one himself?" Yeonjun hissed.

"I mean, he could've gotten Somi." Y/N scoffed. "Guess he's too smart to think of that."

"And if his tonic doesn't work then what?" Beomgyu sighed.

"I'll smash his head next." Seulgi swore, twirling her bat. "That piece of shit."

They've arrived at the broken exit of the building. It was dark outside except for the crescent moon smiling in the sky like an eyeless Cheshire. None of them took one more step. It was like an invisible barrier kept them from further moving.

"This is it." Yeonjun took a deep breath. "If we die, we die."

"Stop jinxing yourself." Y/N reminded.

"Who's going first?" Beomgyu inquired. "Seulgi?"

"My God," the girl rolled her eyes, walking out like the path was some kind of runway. "Cowards."

The squad kept close contact with each other for the first quarter of an hour. The school ground was silent and barren. Nothing but parked cars, trash, dried blood, and torn, rotting corpses. They checked the front gates and the parking lot. Still, no infected target was found. Even if there would be weird noises, they all came from raccoons or stray animals wandering the empty streets. Beomgyu suggested that they should go check outside the school premises. Of course, the rest had to disagree.

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