01 : 𝖳𝗁𝖾 𝖮𝗎𝗍𝖻𝗋𝖾𝖺𝗄

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Day 1.

Y/N L/N was running along the school grounds, picking up her pace to reach the main building in which her second subject, chemistry, has already started at the third floor.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck.." She cursed, catching her breath as she climbed the flights of stairs.

She could've been there early hadn't if it because of her oversleeping and missing the school bus. Finally reaching the third floor, she thanked all saints in the heaven and bolted once more. Her shoes were almost sliding against the white tiles. The scenery outside the large windows was gloomy. The sky was covered with thick, dark rain clouds. The sun was nowhere to be found. Wind was blowing quite harshly, sending leaves off tree branches. The door to her class was so close to her reach at this point and when she got hold of the knob, she bursted it open. All eyes were on her as she held her knees, panting. Her chemistry teacher, Mr. Jung, looked at her surprisingly.

"Miss L/N?"

"I'm sorry... I'm... Late..." She spoke through deep breaths, struggling to straighten up. "I... Missed the... Bus... Mr. Jung..."

"Well, that was a pretty hard cardio you've gone through, wasn't it?" He joked, beckoning her in. "Take a seat and open your book to page 394."

Y/N hastily made her way to her seat which was somewhere at the far back. Some eyes were still on her, especially those ones from the smart, honorably mentions. She ignored them and slumped down, relieved her struggle was finally over. Mr. Jung proceeded with his lecture in front as she heaved her thick book outside the bag. Just then, she felt a tap.

"Overslept, eh?" Beomgyu whispered from her right.

She scoffed and whispered back. "You expect me to wake up early when you called me at 2 AM to ask me if ducks are predators or not?!"

"You didn't even help me."

"Because I don't know! Gosh, you're so stupid."

"Isn't it too early for you two to argue?" Taehyun on her left intervened.

She rolled her eyes and faced front. Yeonjun was sleeping on his desk in front of her. Kai on his left was making a paper plane and Soobin on the right was jotting down notes. Y/N kicked Yeonjun's chair, jolting the lad awake. He turned to Y/N with puffy eyes.

"Y/N, what the fuck?"

"Sorry, did I interrupt another wet dream?"

"Shut the fuck up."

Beomgyu chuckled. "Didn't you just sleep last subject, hyung?"

"I sleep whenever and wherever I want. Leave me alone you dumb shit."

Kai snickered because of this. He threw his paper plane across the room, accidentally hitting a girl in front at the back of her head. Soobin sighed and closed his notebook. Taking off his round specs, he faced the gang.

"All of you. Shut it." He hissed. "I can't focus."

"Yeah, you're interrupting Mr. I'm-So-Good-At-Everything over here." Yeonjun mocked.

Soobin gave him a stern look. "I'm not saving your ass next exam, mark that."

"I have Taehyun."

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