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Somewhere in a peaceful neighborhood, Y/N L/N's family was watching the usual morning news while the teen was already out running late for school.

In front of the television, her father was slurping coffee as her mother sizzled eggs behind.

"COVID-19 vaccines have already been distributed by the Korean government last week to the first few hundred individuals. It could be recalled that Korea has purchased vaccines from various countries outside Asia and also one from China. Each brand has been tested thoroughly and guarantee the best effects to COVID-19 positive patients."

"Tch," the man huffed. "First few hundred. Say, they were those pesky rich ones who had access for free before the fucking government starts pricing the vaccines, eh?"

"Oh, please." Her mother cooed. "Can we atleast be thankful that we've at least found a cure?"

"Yeah and feed those fuckers the money they want. Sitting on their chairs with their big ass bellies and fat wallets. Hah!"

"Don't talk like that. Ah, what's with the fuss outside?"

"Probably the neighbors' kids running around again. Those punks. It's a good thing Y/N isn't one of them."

Y/N's mom abandoned the frying pan to see what the commotion outside was about. Meanwhile, the news anchor flinched at the screen as she was handed a new script to read. The background music shifted and red words flashed through the screen, read as 'Breaking News'.

"News flash, we had just gotten an official statement from the Head of the Korean Medical Association. A vaccine purchased, identified as CFC-20, has been found to yield a series of odd side effects to people who have used the substance. Here's Song Hyerin for more information. Hyerin?"

The screen flashed to a younger woman standing outside a hospital with people running behind her in panic. The reporter seemed anxious but she remained still to her duty.

"That's right, Arin. According to Gong Sang Il Hospital, observations show patients who used the CFC-20 vaccine with foaming mouths, yellow to purple skins, and abnormal behaviors such as growling and the desire to bite off even their own flesh. Infected patients have been kept under heavy security. However, it has been alerted that a few ran lose."

Unknown to the reporter, a weird-looking man was running up to her from behind. The camera man pointed a shaky finger but it was too late.

"Communities are advised to- AHHH!!"

There was a short static before the face of the head anchor resurfaced, shocked and terrified.

"Hyerin? Hyerin?" She called but there was no response.

"Jesus Christ."

2020 | 𝖳𝖷𝖳 Where stories live. Discover now