
Fei Chen pushed Chen Qiao and growled at the man holding Leng MianMian but did not take any action. He knew well what their current situation is like. 

One wrong move and they might all die.

He can only look as the man yelled at the crying Leng MianMian. His fist was tight, eyes red as he stared the man down wanting to bite his head off.

"I really don't know!! I don't know!!!"

Leng MianMian looked as if she was about to have a mental breakdown because of being yelled at and frightened by the man.

If only she could, her soul would already be seen out of her body.

Xiao Yao who was watching the drama looked around the cave. It was spacious, mostly dim and damp. 

The lake was not that big but it was deep.

There were some scary light-emitting species swimming under the water.

A while ago, when they first arrived there, a brave man tested the depth of the water and never came back.

In short, those light-emitting cute razored sharp piranhas in the water ate the man alive with no bones left.

It was really quite a sight when they saw the screaming hysterical drowning man being dragged under the water by the man-eating fishes until nothing was seen of him.

No one expected him to be a literal fish food.

Seeing what happened to the man, the tomb bandits grew anxious about how they would be able to cross the lake safely.

After following them for some time and almost being able to enter the Lost City, with just a lake in between them, the tomb bandits would definitely not retreat without gaining a thing!

Knowing that Leng MianMian has the map of the Lost City, all the bandit's attention was on her.

When a crisis arise, they pressured her into thinking of a solution to cross the damn lake.

"Enough! I said let go of her!"

Fei Chen who could no longer hold himself in punched the man yelling at Leng MianMian hard in the face.

He was not even satisfied with just that and punch him in the gut making the other puke blood.

He would have continued punching the man if only the other bandits did not react and pulled him away from the said man and pointed a gun at his head.

"Fuck! This kid, your dead!"

The man who was punched to the ground looked at Fei Chen viciously, he took out a gun from his holster and aimed it at Fei Chen about to fire.

"Come on, brother. Are you about to kill him? Why don't you just throw him on the lake and let those strange fishes feast on him? That would be a gruesome death."

Xiao Yao folded his hands and nod at the man with a smug smile. He was definitely not caring about the ML's life even a bit.

"Xiao Yao, what are you saying?!"

Chen Qiao almost ran over Xiao Yao and shake him hard for giving such a gruesome idea to the bandit.

What if they really throw Fei Chen into the lake? He will die. Painfully!

"Xiao Yao, you cruel man! How could you say that to Brother Fei? Why don't you die instead of him? It would be much better if you die!" Leng MianMian screamed viciously.

"Yeah. Why don't we just all die here? We're all going to die anyway, why not die now? Don't you agree, Brother Bandit?" Xiao Yao said looking at the bandit.

"Stop your nonsense!"

"It's not nonsense. Anyway, we will die, why not choose the way we die than anticipating how we will die? This way, we will not have any grudges when we die when they push us or maybe escape faster than us when we encounter something weird inside the tomb. Don't you agree?"

"What the hell are you saying? If you want to die then die alone!" Leng MianMian screamed.

"Yes. Yes. You are right. Sadly, you will be the first to die before me if you still won't have any idea on how to make these big brothers cross the lake safely."

Saying so, this effectively shut Leng MianMian's mouth and ended the fight of words between them.

"What your companion said is right. If you still don't have any idea how we would be able to safely cross the lake, you will be the first to be fed to those man-eating fishes!"


Feed him to the fish!
Feed her to the fish!

Hahahahah! 😂😂😂😂

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