"What the hell were you doing? Building a terminator?" Aiden says, grabbing another thing out of the bag.

Stiles paces in front of that. "Thank you for that."

I watch them grab everything out, quietly judging Stiles. "I don't trust him." I heard Aiden think.

I roll my eyes and keep watching until I see a piece of paper catch my eye. I reach over the table and grab it out of the bag. "It's a map." I start to unfold it as everyone gathers around.

"Isn't that the cross country trail?" Aiden drags his finger along a line, which was our cross country trail. During the off season, Coach always made us run cross country so we didn't 'get fat.'

"That's where the Tate car is. It's where Malia's family died." Scott explained and Aiden hit a certain part of the map.

Stiles sighs quietly "You mean where her father put the steel-jawed traps."

"Well then it's a good thing we have cross country practice right now." I say.

Scott stands up straighter. "No, they left already. They should be running by now."

Stiles's tires squealed as he slammed on the brakes in the woods. Stiles, Scott, and I piled out, running towards Coach.

"Coach!" Stiles yelled. Coach looked speechless as Stiles was technically still missing.

"Stilinski-" Coach started.

"Coach listen. There's metal traps everywhere. We need to stop them." Stiles says panicked.

Scott starts to run and we all follow, although Scott was way faster. I decided to stay back, staying close to Stiles.

Finally Scott stood with Kira, who was the front of the team. "Scott!" Stiles yells as we reach him.

The team finally caught up and I ended up being the one yelling. "Stop, stop! Everyone stop!" My throat boomed through the woods.

Stiles crouched down, feeling the leaves. Under them, he found a chain and picked it up. It was longer than expected, so he followed where it went. Finally, the end of it came up, it was just a chain.

Coach started to clap. "Congratulations Stilinski. You found a length of chain." I look over at Stiles, who was trying to figure something out. "Can someone please tell me what the hell is going on?"

I look down, noticing a trip wire that Coach was about to step on. "No Coach!" I yelled running forward, but it was too late. An arrow was shot at him and impaled him in the stomach.

"Oh crap." Coach started to fall backwards and I caught him, lowering him slowly. Blood seeped through his shirt as everyone crowded around him.

I scoot over to his stomach, putting pressure on the wound. "Get back!" I yelled at the team, which all listened and stepped back.

Coach was screaming in pain. "Get it out of me! Get it out of me! Get it out of me!" He paused, looking at me, holding the wound; Stiles, also holding the wound to help me; Ethan, holding his hand; and Scott who was figuring out what to do. "Oh god I'm going to die."

"No you're not," Stiles yells at him, "you're not going to die."

"I'm going to die!" He screamed, hurting my ears.

"It will hurt less if you stop moving, Coach." Ethan says calmly as Coach still tried getting up.

"Get the thing out of me!"

"Stay still Coach. And ambulance is coming." Stiles reassured.

"Get it out! I'm going to die!" Coach yells out.

Ethan looks up at the crowd. "Give him some room! Back up!"

Blood covered my hands and Stiles's as Coach's sweatshirt was soaked more and more with the red substance. Coach kept squirming, yelling at us to take it out. During every attempt of sitting up, more blood oozed between my fingers.

"Coach calm down and stay still." Ethan says again but it only angered him more to keep trying to sit up.

After my anger peaked, I take one hand off of him and push his back into the dirt. "Coach! Every time you move you lose more blood. I'm not letting you die, okay? Stay still!"

Coach's breathing was the only thing heard for a few seconds. "It hurts." He finally says as I put my hand back on the wound, leaving a bloody handprint on his sweatshirt. I look up and Scott, who takes Coach's hand. Scott starts to wince in pain as black veins sprouted on his hands, taking his pain.

Finally, Coach's breathing slowed. Ethan looks at me. "He passed out."

Stiles took his hands off of mine and Coach's stomach. His hands shook in fear and sadness. "I could've killed him." I look up and he makes eye contact with me. "I could have killed him right? What if it his his head or his throat?"

"But it wasn't Stiles. It wasn't. He's going to be alright." I say to Stiles, reassuring the distraught boy.

As sirens were in hearing range Ethan looks at the three of us. "I hear the ambulance."

Stiles looks up while I look back down, keeping pressure in the wound. "And my dad."

let me in {1} - stiles stilinskiWhere stories live. Discover now