Night 1

10 0 0

Why am I here? What do I have to do? Will I die? These are all questions running through my head at once. I don't know what to do. I'm deciding that if I want to live, then I have to act like it. I jump down off the tree I'm in, and onto the dirt below. Now first things first, I need a blade. I'll just make a simple knife. But problem is, how the hell do I make a knife? I guess I'll just make one from scratch. I then spend the next 5 minutes looking for a good rock and a good firm stick. I shave the bark off the stick with another sharp rock and have myself a smooth handle. On the ground, I use another rock and chip my rock into the perfect blade shape. Now to find a way to just put them together. Hmm... This was, unexpected. How in the hell do I put a rock and a stick together? It's not there's any horses around to make some glue so I guess I'm shit out of luck. Wow. I'm trying to be the perfect survivalist and here I am,can't even make a small weapon to defend myself. Ugh.

I put the rock and the stick down behind me. I decide to just get a big stick to hit people with. A couple minutes later I come back to my tree with a pretty well sized stick. I whack it against the ground to test it's durability, *BREAKS*.

Prince: GOD DAMN IT! I'm gonna die. Im going to die out here.

I'm done. I'm going to die trying to make a simple weapon. I can't believe it. Everything I've done and accomplished in my life has lead to this. Me standing on top of a hill under a tree, waiting to be killed.

Prince: Wow. I'm pathetic. This is where I'm going to-... what the hell?

I look down at where I put the rock and the stick earlier and, there was a blade in its place. My stick and my sharp rock, somehow just forged together... What? I was gone for only a couple minutes earlier so there's no way someone could've took my rock and stick and replaced it with a knife, also because that's retarded why would anyone do that anyway. So maybe they someone became a knife when I threw them together...? That doesn't scientifically make sense but, maybe... Just maybe that's what happened. I don't know. I decide to try again. I get another sharp rock I found on the ground, and a good branch I found that I shaved the bark off with the rock. I hold them in front of me, and slowly move them togther. When they touched, they merged into a singular knife. The stick and stone I just had in my hands, was somehow now a small lethal weapon made from the very same branch and rock. What is happening?

Anyways I decide to make a fire. It's getting pretty dark and I need some warmth. I go out and find some branches and sticks for the fire. I come back and make a pile. I grab some leaves to catch on fire as well. I place one stick vertically on the other one that's laying down and use both hands to twist the the first one back and forth. After a little while smoke starts to appear. And with smoke soon comes my fire. I catch some leaves on fire and place them on my pile of sticks. I put some more sticks on it and in a couple seconds I have a roaring flame. Maybe a little to much roar though... It's very bright... Really bright. I don't see any other fires from on top this hill. Maybe they all know that's a really dumb idea, so... Do I sleep? Do I stay up and sit here? I don't know. This is a tough decision. Wait, now that I think about it if this is the first night maybe others are doing the same. There might be a couple of assholes that have decided to kill already but most people are probably doing the same thing I am! I should be safe. If not then I guess my story will just end here. Me laying on a hill next to my fire, getting killed in my sleep. How anti-climactic.

Prince Of Survival - A Survival Minecraft Story (Bedrock Lifeboat Server)Where stories live. Discover now