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I'm flying down from above in a wooden box. I can't see whats outside, only the darkness trapped inside with me. I can barely move. Then... *Crash.* The box breaks open and I go flying out upon it landing on the grass. I fly out and land on top of a tree. I rub my still adjusting eyes and see where I am. In the middle of a field surrounding by trees. Where's the roads? Where's the people? Well, let's go back before any of this happened. Which was a couple days ago.

I was in my prison cell. I was just recently taken away from my family for doing drugs with my 14 year old friend named Virgin and my 23 year old sister Niqabrad. I just got my cell that night, it was my own cell so I was happy that I didn't have to share a toilet with some random ass dude. Then a guard walked up to my cell.

Guard 1: Hey! Prince, Get your ass up! The Warden wants to see you.

Prince: Alright.

I got up off of the piece of hanging slab of stone I call a bed and waited for the guard to open my cell door and escort me.

Prince: What'd I do this time?

Guard 1: I don't know, you tell me dumbass. Have you done anything worth talking to the Warden yet?

Prince: No, I've only been here for like four days. Even if I wanted to do something I could've have, I just got my own cell. He prolly wants to just talk about the prison rules and stuff.

Guard: You better hope so. If your making beef this early then these next 3 years are gonna be difficult for you.

He stops at the wardens office then unlocks the door with his key. He motions me to go in front of him, but then as soon as I go inside he shuts the door behind me and waits outside of the office. I look up at the warden as he sits in his seat.

Prince: Uh, hey. What'd you need?

Warden: Good afternoon, Prince. I have come to inform you that you have been chosen by law for an experiment.

Prince: Nigga what!? What do you mean experiment!? Unless it's a potion that'll make my dick even bigger, I'm not participating!

Warden: Well, you are inforced to by word from the Pentagon to participate. Also if you don't fail the experiment, you will be granted your freedom from the prison and be lifted of all your past crimes and criminal records.

Prince: Wait wait wait, hold up. First off, the Pentagon!? Since when did they even know I existed?

Warden: They know everything about you, Prince. They also know that you lost your virginity in the 8th grade, and you've been doing drugs since 9th grade, and the fact the your parents are separated but still not divorced.

Prince: Okay then... That's kinda creepy.

Warden: They know everything about you Prince. They also have the right to execute you for doing highly dangerous substances with a minor for 2 years.

Prince: That's fucked up.

Warden: That's called follow the law, Prince.

Prince: More like being lame. But anyway, what happens if I don't participate?

Warden: Like I just said, if you don't follow through with the experiment then they will execute you or keep you here for life.

Prince: Keep me in prison for life? I won't be able to see my Girlfriend! Or my kid!

Warden: Exactly.

Prince: Fine. I'll follow through or whatever. How do I do that?

Warden: You follow two of my guards to the hangar.

Prince Of Survival - A Survival Minecraft Story (Bedrock Lifeboat Server)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang