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Nick began to swear. "Fuck fuck fuck. Goddamn it, I knew today was going to be a fucked up day! Look at my fucking hand! You meathead!"

Detective Reston lowered his gun to defuse the high tension. "You fucking bastard Gennery. This will not end well for you."

Jimmy collected Reston's handgun. Then leaned in to whisper to him. "You better hope Lana is still alive."

"Did you just threaten a cop?"

"I have a feeling you are not one of the good ones...from what I hear," Jimmy responded. "Come on in detective. Have a seat."

Jimmy pointed to a chair as he took the detective's handcuffs. 

"Don't use those, Jimmy," Gennery suggested.

"Jimmy? You know this man, Gennery?" Reston questioned.

"Getting there, Robert. And I know the Nine is dirty. Tell me, how dirty?"

"Fuck you, Gennery."

Jimmy leaned in close for only Reston to hear. "At the very least you are an accessory to kidnapping and if my girlfriend is dead. You will never see the light of day again."

"I could care less about your girlfriend. She was likely a slut and found the first guy to celebrate Carnival with." Reston laughed.

Windy knew Lana and slapped Reston across his face. "That is for Lana. Next time I will let Jimmy hit you."

"Ya, well, fuck you too!"

"You know when one person won't talk, ask someone else." Jimmy walked over to Nick and pulled him from the floor. 

"Arghhhhh!" Nick screamed. 

"Jimmy! Bring it down a notch." Gennery tried to wrangle Jimmy in. "Don't turn into something you are trying to fight."

"We need paramedics, Jimmy." Windy pointed to Billy. 

"Gennery, can you take care of that?" Jimmy looked at the detective. "No, wait."

"Why?" Detective Gennery pulled his phone. "Billy needs help"

"You're right. You better call." Jimmy's mind had been piecing together things as an investigative reporter would. "Okay, Nick, whatever you had going here. It's much bigger than you or Reston here."

"You will never know." Nick held his hand up. "This is nothing."

Jimmy stood in front of Reston and Nick. "Windy, what do you think?"

"I think you're right. This goes beyond precinct Nine, beyond Nick. How far?" Windy turned to detective Gennery. 

"He's got nothing." Reston laughed. 

"He's right, I knew nothing, all this time. I am partially to blame."

"Whatever. These two know more. Don't you, Nick?"

Jimmy first looked at Nick's hand. The loan shark held his hand away from Jimmy. "Don't you fucking touch me again!"

"Fuck you, Nick. Time is running out on my girlfriend." Jimmy grabbed Nick's hand and looked into his eyes. "Tell me where she is."

"Arghhhhhhhhhhhhh! You bastard!"

Jimmy did not relent. "I pull a little more and you will never use it again. Tell me!"

"Jimmy!" Gennery did not approve of Jimmy's method. 

"It is life and death now detective. It is too late to play by the rules. You know it!" Jimmy countered the detective. 

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