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Every now and then people come to realize the truth of their situation even when the evidence is hidden from them

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Every now and then people come to realize the truth of their situation even when the evidence is hidden from them. It is then someone has a change of heart.


Detective Gennery hurriedly walked into the precinct looking for the two small time hoods. He gave an order as he passed a desk officer. "Humphrey, bring Lawrence and Billy to Interrogation Room one."

"Ah..." Humphrey sputtered.

"What is it, Humphrey? Bring those two to room one. Now!"

"I...I can't." Humphrey stood before addressing Gennery. "The Captain released them an hour ago."

The detective's disbelief  could be seen in his facial expression. "They are wanted for assault on John Doe!"

The officer offered a shrug and innocently proclaimed. "Captain did not see it the same way."

"Shit!" Gennery turned to leave the precinct only to come face to face Captain Chambered.

The Captain folded his arms before asking Gennery if he was successful. "Detective, did you locate John Doe?"

"Ah, no Sir, I have not been able to find him. I checked the hospitals but nothing."

The superior officer raised his hand to stop the excuse. "Come with me, detective."

The two walked into the Captain's office. "Sit, Gennery. Coffee?"

"No Sir, I'm already amped up as it is."

"You were not supposed to come back empty-handed. I told you I wanted John Doe. Here!" He slammed the desk with his hand.

"I came back to question Lawrence and Billy."

"Those two idiots?" The Captain barked at his newest detective. "What the hell would they know?"

"They found him before. I thought..."

"You thought they could find him again? I thought you were the detective!" Chambered knew he needed Gennery away from his two pippets. "You are off this case. Take up the Kennedy break-and-enter case."

"This is the first time I have been pulled from a case. It's only four days old, Sir." Gennery felt something amiss.

Captain Chambered stood before laying into Gennery. "Goddamn it! Both the mayor and the governor are on my ass! I can't wait for you to dick around taking shots in the dark. I need this case off my desk and into the district attorney's hands by Monday."

"Who is taking over?"

"Reston. Pick up the Kennedy break-and-enter. We are backed up on several cases!" The Captain stared at the Detective. "Now, drop the John Doe file off on Detective Reston's desk. I am giving you a direct order Gennery!"

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