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Gennery's Car

"Marie, I am dropping you off at your apartment."


"No buts about it, I am not putting you in harm's way!"

"What about, Billy?"

"Billy? Billy better hope he can help or I will drop him off at the precinct."

"Oh no you don't, Gennery!"

"Fine! Give me a little room, Billy. You're sweating all over me."

Gennery pulled up to the bakery and as Marie got out she smacked Billy with her cast. "That's for taking Lana!"

"Fuck me, Marie!"

"In your dreams."

Gennery took off. "Where are we going, Billy?"

"Do you know, Mike Appleton?"

"The governor's aide?"

"I heard that is where she was taken?"

"That was the day of the parade. Four days ago. Fuck me. Fuck me! He was telling the truth."

"You didn't believe the guy?"

"He had a memory like Swiss cheese. He didn't even know his name!"

"And they call me 'brainless'." Billy laughed only to feel the back of Gennery's hand against his face.

"Keep it up Billy and I will use you as a human shield when they start shooting."

"You think they will shoot?"

"They won't like the questions I'm gonna ask."

"I don't wanna die!"

"No shit? Imagine that! You better hope this Lana woman is still alive."

"I understand. I understand. I never wanted to do it, detective. My life is so fucked up that going to prison would be a step up."

"I don't think so, Billy. Cooperate and you may not do time. But you need to give me everything you know."

"Captain Chambered is going to kill me when Lawrence tells him I told you about him. I am dead. I'm dead. I am fucking dead!" Billy became frantic.

Appleton's Home

"Killer brought me up on the streets. He's gonna kill me too!"

"Billy! Shut the fuck up! Now, stay in the car."


"No? What the hell do you mean, no?"

"I have a bad feeling about this!" Billy began hyperventilating. "I...I...I..."

"Billy!" Gennery slapped Billy until he responded.

"Okay okay, I am okay. My gut is doing somersaults. Uhhhhh."

They both got out of the car. "Billy, don't say a fucking word."

Billy nodded repeatedly as Gennery looked at him. The detective rang the doorbell then knocked soon after.

Claire Appleton opened the door. "May I help you?"

"Yes ma'am, I am Detective Gennery, Is your husband Mike home?"

"No, he is at the State Capitol. Is there something wrong?"

"No no, I just had a few questions for him is all. May I ask you a question before I go?"

"Yes, of course, detective."

"Were you and your husband home Tuesday evening?"

"Oh, let's see, I went to a dinner party after the parade. I was there until about eleven-thirty."

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