12 - LANA

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At five feet nine inches, the former model from Moscow moved to Vancouver, Canada to live a comfortable life out of the limelight. For the most part, the Canadians left her alone except for a few young fashion-aware women who had to get a selfie. Eventually, even that attention waned and life continued as normal as it could be.

Svetlana Georgovol changed her name to Lana George. Grew her hair out and gained a much-needed twenty pounds. The former model readied herself to embark on a new challenge when she met Jimmy waiting in line at the Coffee Grind Cafe near her apartment.

When Lana's cellphone rang she knew her friend made other plans and just let the call go to her voicemail. Jimmy looked at Lana who shrugged her shoulders and smiled. That's how innocently it all began.

"You're not going to answer your phone?" Jimmy raised an eyebrow.

"No need."


"She just called to ditch me again."

"She?" Jimmy smiled.

Lana laughed. "She. As in a woman. Why so interested?"

"Ahhh, would you like to share a table?" Jimmy asked quickly.

"Just a table?"

"Yeah, I am hungry."

Lana smiled. She thought he looked cute. "Okay. But I have to warn you. I am a very boring person."

"My name is Jimmy."


"Ever eaten here before?" Jimmy asked trying to keep the conversation moving.

"Never. My friend set this up. Have you?"

"Have I what?"

"Very funny. I like that." Lana laughed.

Jimmy just smiled. He was mesmerized by her eyes.

Lana asked a second time. "Have you eaten here before?"

"Oh, oh yeah a few times." He was a regular but he wouldn't let the woman know that.

"You are back. It must be good."

"These are pretty friendly people. The coffee is great and the food is pretty good."

Lana looked at Jimmy. "So you like the food here?"

"Ah, yeah."

"Then what do you suggest?"

"I believe the lobster rolls are good."

"Are you serious?" Lana looked at Jimmy. "I think I know why my friend cancelled."

"She doesn't like sea food?"

"No, no! She says she always eats too much and gains weight." Lana explained.

As the two approached the counter, Lana smiled. "Join me?"

"Ah, sure." Jimmy smiled. "No eating alone today!" Lana laughed.

Just then Rosy, the barista greeted Jimmy. "Long time, eh?"

Jimmy just smiled. "Rosy you are too funny. I was here yesterday! You were in the back."

"I know." Rosy rolled her eyes, Lana laughed. "Your regular seat is still available, Jimmy!"

"Ah, ah right." Jimmy shrugged his shoulders.

Lana stopped Jimmy. "A few times? 'You have a regular seat." She shook her head.

"Grab your coffee and lobster roll. I have no idea where my regular seat is." Jimmy would never be able to convince her.

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