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Few people remained in the warehouse. The Special Victims Unit gave Jimmy time to say goodbye to the woman he loved before they left the warehouse.

He made his way to the cage and helped the coroner gently place Lana into the body bag with a final kiss on both eyes. Not a word was spoken as the broken man sat against the cage and reflected on the worst week of his life. As a grown man, he had only shed tears on two occasions. This day proved to be the most emotional for him.

He felt a loss like none he had ever felt before. An unrivaled loss of the love of his life. The only tangible that remained were his memories of Lana. Jimmy felt the anger boil inside and he released this anger by elbowing the cage several times.

Windy paced the front of the warehouse looking to the heavens. She could not bear to see her friend in so much pain, though kept her distance to give him time to grieve. Tears formed in her eyes for Jimmy as she sat heavily into a chair.

"Miss Windy?"

She half laughed. "Just Windy, Detective."

"You know, I really hoped for a better ending for everyone. Too many people have died and so many more scarred for life. I don't know how to make sense of it all."

"People use people. It's in our nature."

"There are some of us that want something better. Something that doesn't hurt...others. Even some of us that want to protect others from this."

Windy looked up at Gennery. "You mean like Death and Destruction?"

"I mean like you and Jimmy. From where I stand, it's a no-brainer."

"Yeah, well I am not so sure I want to be shooting people. It seems, once you're in, you're in. No halfway, if I am feeling queasy about this I will not be able to just walk away."

It was the detective's turn to half-laugh. "I guess you're right about that. But Jimmy...he goes forward when most would retreat. Pistol whipped, shot, and still put himself on the line for his girlfriend and these girls."

"It's not bravery, Gennery."

"Then what is it?"

"This is love." The emotion got to Windy and to hide it she yelled for her friend. "Jimmy!"

The two heard Jimmy's feet rattle the cage. A few moments later he appeared at the front of the warehouse. "Hey." He spoke quietly.

"Alex is on a stretcher. He's ready to go to the hospital." Windy wiped the tears from her cheek. "Let's see him off."

Alex chose to be the last to be taken away. The women were in a life and death struggle and he had a flesh wound to his lower leg.

"Windy, Jimmy." Alex looked up from the stretcher. "It was quite a ride."

"You are not through with us yet." Jimmy looked at his new friend.

"I am really sorry we didn't find Lana before...before it was too late."

"Yeah, that's on me, Alex. I owe you big for helping me, breaking the law, and for taking one for me."

"Windy said you will be sticking around for a bit. You are welcome to stay with Marie and me."

"Thanks but I wouldn't be very good company."

"Jimmy, take the offer." Windy elbowed him and smiled when he nodded. "Marie and I can make plans for California."

"Shit, California! Really?" Alex rolled his eyes.

"Gotcha!" Windy pointed at Alex who just shook his head as the paramedics wheeled him to the ambulance.

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