The lack of conversation made the trip feel like it was going on for ages for Nova. It didn't help that the Mandalorian was in the cockpit with the droid, monitoring him to make sure he didn't mess with anything. While Din babysat the droid, Nova watched the aliens in the cabin. Burg was pacing causing a steady tempo of stomps on the metal to rang out. Xi'an was balancing knives and sending death glares at Nova, to which Nova responded with a sarcastic smile. Mayfeld was cleaning his guns as if to impress the lot on his multitude of weapons. 

"Will you sit. Down," Xi'an calls out exacerbated. The girl stops her balancing act and glares at the tall, red giant. The red giant hits the wall earning a cat-like hiss from Xi'an. Burg laughs at irritating the purple lady. 

"Why don't you listen to the lady, big guy?" Nova's voice calls the attention of the group as she stands from her position in the back of the hull. "You can hit all the walls you want when you get to the prison ship. Don't hit my home." Burg only grunts in return turning towards the weapons vault taking interest in it. 

"You live in this hunk of junk?" Mayfield teases the white-haired girl. "No offense but you seem more of a luxury type, not hiding out with a bucket head." Mayfeld doesn't see the Mandalorian slowly move down the ladder behind him as he continues his monologue. "I mean... Our team is looking for a nice addition such as yourself." He walks over to Nova. "You are much better looking than that boggart." He gestures to the red giant who was fiddling with a weapon from the vault. As he gestures he makes eye contact with the Mandalorian he did not realize was in the hull. The Mandalorian, instead of responding,  closes the weapons vault on Burg. Upset Burg turns around to death stare the Mandalorian, but the Mandalorian didn't remove his eye contact from Mayfeld who was standing too close to Nova for his liking.

Nova seeing Burg clench his fist ready to fight jumps up and tries to run at him but is caught by Mayfeld. Nova hated bullies and really really wanted to punch something. After sitting in a room with complete idiots her patience is challenged.

"Hey, hey, hey. Okay. Okay. Okay," Mayfeld struggles to keep Nova from attacking Burg. "I get it. I'm a little particular about my personal space too. So let's just do this job. We get in, we get out, and you don't have to see our faces anymore." Nova begins to calm down slapping at Mayfeld so he releases her. 

"Someone tell me why we even a Mandalorian," Burg's voice is deep as he glares at the Beskar man.

"Or pipsqueak here," Xi'an continues glaring at Nova.

"Well, apparently they're the greatest warriors in the galaxy. So they say," Mayfeld says watching Nova breathe heavily. She was a little 

"Then why are they all dead?" Burg says followed by laughs from everyone but Nova and Din.

"Well, you flew with him, Xi'an. Is he as good as they say?" Mayfeld asks as their laughs die out.

"Ask him about the job on Alzoc III," Xi'an pushes. Nova's glance moves from Burg to him curiosity displayed on her face. 

"I did what I had to," Din says as though he were only talking to Nova. Nova gives a small nod understanding what he means. She had been in many situations she did things she is not proud of, all in the name of the protection and survival of others. What increased her curiosity was the fact he cared about what she thought. Well maybe not, she thinks to herself, I am probably overthinking this.

"Oh, but you liked it. See, I know who you really are," Xi'an approaches the Mandalorian swaying her hips seductively. The direction of the Mandalorian's helmet never moves to the purple girl.

The Vow of Two Creeds: A Mandalorian StoryHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin