21: The Guard

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"So, the package is being moved on a fortified transport ship," Mayfeld brings up a hologram of a prison ship. The team had gathered around the bald man, ready to be debriefed on the job. "Now, we got a limited window to the board, find our friend, get 'em outta there, before they make their jump."

"That's a New Republic prison ship," Nova comments taking in the hologram in front of her. The depths of the job coming to light. She never was one not to be willing to break the rules. It is just what is a part of being on the run. But they were breaking out a criminal, a hardened criminal. Something in her morals told her this wasn't right. But they needed the money.

"Your man wasn't taken by a rival syndicate, he was arrested," Din completes her train of thought. He knew Ran was never one to care about laws and restrictions he was just not looking for that spotlight especially after Nevarro.

"So what?" Mayfeld counters.

"A job is a job," Ran motions nonchalantly.

"That's a max security transport, and we are not looking for that kind of heat," The Mandalorian continues.

"Well, neither are we. So just don't mess up," the old man says set on the job at hand. 

"The good news for you is the ship is manned by droids. Still hate the machines, Mando?" Xi'an teases. Nova wonders why the Mandalorian despises droids so much. Although since their interaction on Avarla-7, Din had yet to show any real verbal displacement towards the metallic species. I should ask him about that later, she tells herself.

"Despite recent modifications, the ship is still quite a mess," Zero, the droid, says coming down from the ship. Nova hopes the dumb droid didn't go in and peak at anything. "The power lines are leaking. The navigation is intermittent. And he hyperdrive is only operating at 67.3% efficiency. We have much better ships. Why are we using this one?"

"Cause the Razor Crest is off the old Imperial and the New Republic grid. It's a ghost." Ran answers the droid. Nova not a fan of the conversation heads to the Razor Crest to make sure everything is tightly packed up before the bafoons enter in. Din watches her figure disappear into the ship.

"Yeah. And we need a ship that can get close enough to jam the New Republic code," Mayfeld continues onto Ran's point. "So, when we drop out of hyperspace here, if we immediately bank into this kinda attitude, we should be right in their blind spot, which should give us just enough time for your ship to scramble our signal."

"It's not possible," Din looks away from where Nova's figure once stood and turns to the band of misfits. "Even for the Crest."

"That's why he's," Ran motions to Zero, the bug-eyed droid. "flying." Mayfeld's loud laugh echos through the hanger. The Mandalorian was clearly not liking the fact someone else was flying his ship especially someone, who is a droid."Mando, I know you're a pretty good pilot, but we need you on the trigger, not on the wheel."

"Don't worry, Mandalorian," The droid comforts in his robotic voice. "My response time is quicker than organics, and I'm smarter too."

"Alright, ya, that's good. Forgive the programming. He's a little rough around the edges. But he is the best." Ran apologizes with a devious smirk on his face.

"How can you trust it?" Din asks quietly so only Ran can hear, while the others exit to the ship.

"You know me, man, I don't trust anybody," Ran responds. The Mandalorian makes his way to the Razor Crest, ready to get the job done and over with. Ran watches the Mandalorian walk up the ramp to the ship the devious smirk never leaving his dirty face. "Just like the good old days, Mando, huh?"

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