22: The Payback

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It didn't take long for the two of them to catch up with the rest of the team as they run to cell 221. Burg leaving piles of smashed security droids in his wake wasn't impressive but annoying. He was rather loud for Nova's taste and would prefer silently taking over a ship than running around like a drummer on crack. 

Once the gang has reached the cell, Mayfeld tries to open the door but it fails to open upon his commands.

"Zee, open it up," Mayfeld yells through the comm.

"You have 15 minutes remaining," Zero responds still not opening the door. The group shuffles slightly at the time this is taking.

"Open it up!" Mayfeld yells. Zero opens the cell door and the Mandalorian's posture freezes. 

"Qin..." Din says softly.

"Funny. The man who left me behind is now my savior." A large purple man comes to view, walking out of the small eight by eight cell. "Mando." As if on queue, Burg punches the Mandalorian in the gut catching him off guard then throws him aggressively in the cell in front of him.  Nova reaches for her blaster but is kicked in the back launching her headfirst into the metal wall in front of her. Burg grabs her aggressively and throws her into the cell. Gracefully, as possible, Nova lands directly on the Mandalorian, causing a series of grunts. The Mandalorian quickly recovers trying to get to the door before they shut the door but of course, reach it right as they shut it. 

Din takes out his weapon to hit the wall in an attempt to escape, but the shot ricochets around the cell. NOva curls up in a ball to prevent from getting hit, still a little disheveled from the blow to the head. 

"Why does everyone have to hit me in the head?" She says sitting up slowly once the bullet stops bouncing around the cell. Outside of the cell, the two siblings embrace aggressively.

"Brother!" Xi'an says loudly.

"Sister!" Qin says matching his sister's aggressive tone.

"Attack's on the way. He's already dead meat!" Mayfeld looks at Nova who was in the corner rubbing her head. "Sorry princess," He says softly. "Let's go!" He yells to his group.

"Come on, it's better this way,"  Qin says motioning in another direction.

"Look like you will be spending the rest of your life with your sweetheart after all Mando," Xi'an says before following after her brother.

"Let's go!" Mayfeld yells as they disappear from Din's and Nova's view. 


"You good?" Nova asks as she sits on the bench in the cell. She was rubbing her jumbled head, watching the Mandalorian pace the cell door. Instead of answering the Mandalorian stops his pacing to watch an approaching droid. The tall security droid walks in front of the cell but before it could move any further the Mandalorian grabs the droid and reels him in against the cell door using his wire. The Mandalorian's sheer force disables the robot. The Mandalorians shimmies to grab the arm of the droid which he happens to use to open the cell. Nova not really understanding how he just did that stands up. Although immediately grasping the wall of the cell, due to her getting up too fast, she can shake the iron deficiency away to follow the Mandalorian out of the cell. She steps over the droid still cautious, wondering if it were still active. "You really hate droids."

The two of them made their way back to the control room. Nova was quite confused on why they would be going in the opposite direction the group of misfits traveled in, but her head hurt too much to argue. She has learned over these past few weeks not to question the beskar man.

Her mind was racing once she entered the room. The pool of blood that once belonged to Davan, the republic guard, laid before her, Davan no longer in sight. She had hoped he had found a place to hide, far away from the hands of the group of criminals running about the ship. 

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