louis takes out his toothbrush, cleaning his teeth as quick as he can and then washing it out by gargling some water from a bottle. he spits out of the window, making zayn groan. louis puts the mirror down, staring at the dark circles under his eyes. he plays with his hair until it looks some-what presentable, but it isn't much use. he makes sure to spray on some of zayn's expensive cologne, because he knows how much that annoys him, and it does the best job of hiding the alcohol smell.

as if defying the use of it anyway, louis pulls out a cigarette, fiddling with it in his lips before clicking the lighter. it's mainly empty, and louis has to have it on a certain angle, and attempts to light it multiple times before it actually works. he inhales the grey stench, the odour that reminds him of tar-infested lungs and his future death bed.


zayn huffs, turning on the radio loudly to the r&b station, putting the volume on max as if he wants to make louis' headache even worse. zayn holds out a hand for louis to give him one.

"they're mine."

"and i drive you to college everyday. hand it over."

louis rolls his eyes, placing a cigarette in zayn's hand as he begins to pull into the college car park. zayn leans over with it between his lips, and louis clicks the lighter a couple times before he lights it. zayn slumps back into his seat, unwinding the window as he takes drags, smoke blowing out of their lips in unison.

louis turns around, keeping the cigarette stuck between his lips as he picks his backpack up from the backseat, climbing back over and opening the car door. he gets out, zayn following him whilst louis takes the cigarette out his mouth, eyes fixated on one of the college girls that always seems to be wherever he is. he discards the fag onto the floor, stepping on to it, the blonde girl still watching as if he's the most interesting thing in the world.

she's alright? i mean, she's nothing special. blonde and skinny, blue eyes and quite tall. louis likes tall, he guesses. but her presence is never exciting. it's always about her, her, her. louis never has time to breathe around her, and she always pushes herself on to him at parties and what-not. she was an alright shag here and there, but louis can't even remember her name. millie? mollie? mia? something like that anyway.

"she's looking at you again."

"i fucking know. her eyes are glued to me, mate." louis says, zayn finishing up his cigarette and throwing it to the ground too.

"why don't you just tell her to fuck off? not being rude or anything, but she's a complete waste of space." zayn and louis start to walk towards the building, however find themselves both looking at her as they do so, which is really fucking obvious. oh well, she probably likes the attention. it doesn't take much for someone with an ego like hers to realise how much she loves a simple gaze.

"last resort, you know?"

"what do you mean?" zayn asks, trudging up the stone steps receiving some looks from people around. his sunglasses are perched on his nose, giving him all the power he'll ever need. if they weren't friends, louis knows he would totally hate him. like think he's a narcissistic dick with rich parents and not a problem in the world.

"she... what's her name? she'll never turn me down... that's just the facts. so... if i'm feeling a little lonely one night i can always call her up, like a last resort if i can't get anyone better." louis shrugs.

"that's kinda sick."

"yes, and i also feel kinda sick, so it would mean the world to me if you stopped digging at me for my life style." louis scrunches his nose, not caring because millie-mollie-mia wouldn't mind being a last resort.

Louis' Revenge ➸ Larry StylinsonWhere stories live. Discover now