Chapter 12

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"What are you doing here, Junmyeon? You shouldn't be here!" Minseok exclaims, looking at Junmyeon with his curious eyes.

Although Minseok really wanna hug and cry about seeing Junmyeon now, he can't just process that his brother is here and their father might do something on him.

"Saving you, come on!" Junmyeon answers, opening the door of Minseok's terris. His brother pulled him so that they will now both seeing the van that was parked infront of their gate.

The bodyguards are now sleeping tightly on the floor after Sehun had smashed them the thick wooden stick, enough for them to faint and be unconscious.

"H-how? Junmyeon, you can't."

"We can! So just cooperate so we can now put our father behinds bars! Please hyung, we can't just stay like these forever." Junmyeon said, now tearing up remembering how their father badly treated them.

Minseok just nodded and went along from Junmyeon's plan. Junmyeon pulled out the long rope that they will use so that they can get out from the room without his dad seeing them.

They don't need to worry from his father's bodyguard because Sehun had signalled him that the cost is now clear and no one will see them.

"Are you sure about this, Junmyeon? You know, you could just escape alone."

Junmyeon glared at his hyung. "No! This is the right time for us to be free from that evil man's hand!"

He tied the rope tightly on one of the railings before throwing the rope down. Sehun, who is waiting from down, catch the rope and signalled them to get down already.

"Who's that?" Minseok asks.

"He's mine, hyung." Junmyeon said and winked at his brother before slowly guide Minseok on holding on the rope.

Junmyeon waited until Minseok reached the floor, being helped by Sehun who is now signalling Junmyeon to come down.

Of course, Junmyeon is worried, first because he isn't good in these things. But seeing how much they needed to go now, he strengthen and forgot his fear, and started to go down already.

It is fearful, seeing how much the floor looks far from his place. Junmyeon had always have his fear on heights that's why he hated going on amusement parks. He didn't expect that he will face his fears just because of this, but he thinks that all of it is worth it, considering that he is saving his brother's life.

Sehun was assuring Junmyeon that he will catch and guide him once he get close on them. Junmyeon had successfully landed with Sehun holding him by his waist.

"Are you okay?" Sehun asks worriedly on him. Removing his hands on Junmyeon's waist so that he can observe if Junmyeon is hurt.

"I'm okay. Let's go!"

They held hands before running together to reach the gate. Junmyeon is now relieve to see that Minseok had entered the van.

But before they could even reach the van, they heard a gun being shot so they flinched and duck down. When they look behind them, Junmyeon's crazy father is now looking at them with blazing eyes while a gun is pointed at their direction.

"You can't escape from me, Kim Junmyeon!" His father said, and another gunshot had been fired.

"Faster, Sehun! Come on!" Junmyeon shouts, pulling Sehun on the van where Yixing had already started to drive.

Once they enter the van, they are both exhausted and heavily breathing from their running marathon.

"Yes! Success!" Jongdae exclaims and everyone gave each other a smile as they drive on the highway.

But they failed to notice, that Junmyeon is now bleeding from the gunshot he got.


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