Chapter 9

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Junmyeon knows.

Junmyeon knows that the wall that he build to protect his heart was now starting to fade and crumble.

His heart was now reopening for Sehun because he didn't know when or how, did he became fond and happy to have Sehun on his side.

For the first time in five years, Junmyeon find himself smiling and enjoying his life like he usually do in the past. And it was all because of Sehun, his neighbor, who had just tried to give him a book.

He didn't know what to do right now, specially now that he realized that he already liked that hot neighbor of him. And he is scared that the like he is feeling would turn into love.

Junmyeon is still not ready, or so what he believe is. Whenever Sehun was on his side, his life was like a colorful butterfly flying on the world freely but when he got home, his smile would fade and everything will return on its original position.

But despite of that, he still seeks for happiness and that's why he is now inside Sehun's house and his head resting on Sehun's shoulder while they are watching one of the premiered movie on their country.

Sehun is running his fingers on Junmyeon's silky hair while watching how Junmyeon's lips curve into smile whenever the character of the movie made fun.

"Are you sleepy?" Sehun asked softly, and Junmyeon raised his head so that he can look on Sehun.

"No, I slept early yesterday."

Sehun didn't answer and let Junmyeon to continue watching the movie. And most of that, he put his arm around Junmyeon's shoulder and rest his head on top of Junmyeon's head.

The taller wanted to confess and tell Junmyeon how much he likes -- scratch that --- loves him on the bottom of his heart. But he is scared that maybe, Junmyeon would reject him, again, just like how Junmyeon rejected him in their first encounter.

Junmyeon ended up sleeping on Sehun's shoulder so Sehun carefully lied him on his bed after carrying Junmyeon upstairs on his room. After that, he stared for Junmyeon with a longing look.

"Look at you, so beautiful even when sleeping." He said, his hands caressing the soft and pretty face of Junmyeon.

Sehun stares at Junmyeon for who knows -- for like one to two hours before he decided to go down to prepare a dinner for the two of them because he is sure that Junmyeon would wanted to eat with him rather than on his lonely house.

Just by then, the doorbell of his house rang and through the open window, he saw his friends outside of his house.

Without any hesitations, Sehun opened his door for his friends. Baekhyun's voice is so loud that it echoed on every corner of his house. He just hoped that Junmyeon won't be awaken from that.

"So why all of you are here? And oh, you are all dressed up." Sehun exclaims when he noticed that his friends are all dressed up.

"Well, we have now decided that this is now the right time to talk on Junmyeon." Baekhyun said.

And after he said that, Junmyeon are now on his way downstairs where it left everyone into shock.


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