Chapter 15

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"You ready, now?" Minseok asks his brother who is wearing a suit for their hearing on the court.

Junmyeon nodded. "Yeah, I need to be ready and face that evil man."

Minseok and Junmyeon was escorted by Yixing and Sehun on the court where their friends, who will serve to be a witness too us already there.

His father is inside of the court already, wearing the orange uniform of a criminal. Junmyeon sat at the opposite side of his father. And the judge had already started the hearing.

"Is it true that you have hurt Kim Minseok and Kim Junmyeon, the two son of yours?" Atty. Han, his father's attorney asked. His father is now infront and was interrogated.

"Yes, but," his father said "I only did it to discipline them. They have been a pain in ass so I hurt and discipline them. It's a common thing for a parent to discipline their children."

"That's not true!" Junmyeon roared and Sehun made him sit and calm down. "Calm down, babe."

"See? Your honor, the father is only disciplining his children and I agree, it was only common for it."

"You stupid lawyer, stop siding on my father!" Junmyeon roared again and his friends almost laugh behind him but when Minseok glared at them, they stopped.

"Objection, your honor." Atty. Zhang interrupts. "According to Republic Act (RA) 9262, a father who is abusing his children and his wife, will receive a tougher penalties."

"From what our evidences said, Mr. Kim Namjoon had abused and hurt his wife, Mrs. Kim Jisoo that cause for the wife to die from too much abused she received. Prosecutor Jennie, please proceed."

The prosecutor showed the pictures where the surveillance camera that Junmyeon had set inside of his parent's room when he is younger had taken. It shows that his father is indeed hurting his mother physically.

The interrogation continues and Junmyeon could only burst into tears when the part of his father threatening and hurting his friends had mentioned. He couldn't believe that innocent people had been affected by his crazy father's unstable mind.

The judge hit the gavel three times before a woman announced once again. "Mr. Kim Namjoon, is proven guilty of hurting his wife and two sons physically, threatening several people to kill them and for an attempted murder on Kim Junmyeon. The law had been decided that you will be sentenced on jail for the rest of your life. Case dismissed."

Junmyeon and Minseok hug each other as they win over the case. Their father is cursing and shouting at them, saying threatening words at them but they didn't care. The two brothers is shedding their tears because finally, they are now free from their father's hands.

"Thank you so much, Atty. Zhang." Junmyeon and Minseok bowed at Atty. Zhang Liyin and shake their hands together. Minseok also said that the payment will be send on her account as soon as possible.

Junmyeon ran onto his boyfriend and Sehun welcome him with a warm embrace. He caress Junmyeon's hair and whispers sweet words on the smaller's ears.

"Thank you, for staying by my side." Junmyeon finally said, hugging Sehun tightly.

"It's nothing. All for you, sweetheart." Sehun said, laughing slightly on how Junmyeon cutely dodge him from the nickname.

"Stop your cheesiness! Let's now eat on my honey bunch's restaurant!" Kai separated the two of them and they both laugh as they exited the court house.


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