A loud, screeching alarm rips through the quiet room, ending our kiss abruptly. I bring my hands over my ears to drown out the sound. "Fire alarm?" I yell up at JP.

He shakes his head, his eyebrows creased as he hurries over to his side of the nightstand and pulls out one of his guns. He started leaving one in my room because we are in my room as much as his.

"JP, what is it?" I shout over the blaring alarm.

He removes the safety of the gun and cocks the gun to load it. "Security breach. Stay here." His deep voice carries over the shrieking alarm as he runs out of my room.

Yeah, right, like I'm staying.

I run to the nightstand on my side and pull out one of my guns, slipping it in the waistband of my shorts; the cold metal gives me the chills. I grab my phone and hurry out of my room after JP.

The alarm stops as I come to the top of the stairs; but movement catches my attention from the corner of my eye.

I see Annalisa peek her head out of Joey's room, and her eyes widen when she sees me. I can see she's unsure if she should approach me, so I walk towards her. She's wearing a zip-up jacket over her dress which I assume is Joey's.

"I thought you left," I say quietly. Annalisa shakes her head. As I come closer, I see her eyes are a little puffy, and her mascara is smudged.

I hug her tightly. "I'm so sorry, Anna. I shouldn't have gotten so mad. I was just embarrassed more than anything."

Annalisa wraps her arms around me tight and sniffles. "Please don't apologize to me, Char. That just makes me feel worse. I should have told you, but I was so embarrassed when it happened. I was going to tell you that night you called me when you made out with JP, but I figured it wouldn't matter because it was so long ago and just a one-time thing, I swear."

"JP talked to me, too," I tell her. "I just wish I didn't have to hear it from Victoria and not in front of everyone."

"Ugh, I hate that bitch! I don't even know how she got that picture." Annalisa groans. "After JP asked me to leave you two alone in the kitchen, I went back to the other room and confronted her."

She chuckles. "I told her she proved she doesn't have a life since she's always trying to start drama with us. She tried to come at me, but Joey stopped her and kicked her out, telling her she caused enough shit for the night."

"Good riddance, if I ever see her skank face again, it'll be too soon." I hook my arm in hers. "Come on, let's go get a snack. I'm hungry, are you?" She nods.

I give her a side glance. "So, speaking of Joey..."

Annalisa tucks a lock of her hair behind her ear. "Nothing happened, Char. He thought that kiss with JP happened recently. When he got a good look at the picture on her phone, he realized it was when we were younger.

And he apologized for going off on me. He saw how upset I was and offered to go talk in his room," She rolls her eyes, laughing a little at my questioning look. "And talk was all we did. He can be sweet and thoughtful when he wants to be." She smiles softly.

Annalisa stops as we reach the bottom landing. "Um, Joey mentioned there was a security breach. Are we okay to be wandering around?"

"I'm sure it's fine; the alarm is off; it was probably just a fluke or something. I've only heard it go off a few times the whole time I've lived here, and nothing's come of it."

But I spoke too soon.

We hear glass shattering from the kitchen, and I grab Annalisa's hand and pull her down to crouch next to the stairs with me. Then the front door bursts open, and several of my Uncle's men run in, spreading out through the house.

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